The Creativity Stone: Carnelian

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Good Witches Homestead

As a healing stone, carnelian is gently activating and warming, and will encourage the natural healing abilities of the body. This is partly because it energizes the sacral chakra, where stress and trauma tend to become lodged. Carnelian helps to gently release these imbalances, even if they have been present for many years.

Energy: healing, creative, sympathetic

Colors: translucent or clear, dark red or orange-red to reddish brown, gold-red, and brown

Uses: Carnelian is a type of chalcedony excellent for enhancing sexuality, accessing fire energy, building power, motivation, activating energy and creativity. Helpful for past life awareness, fertility, purification, lower back problems, prosperity, protection against injury or falling, courage, mental focus, and strength.

Star Sign: Leo
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Chakra: Sacral

Rough Carnelian


Hold carnelian, the super-energy stone, when you need a boost

Put carnelian in your pocket, to benefit from its power if you are giving a…

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Wild Roses

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Good Witches Homestead


Fills your life with soft romance.
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Love. Psychic Powers. Healing. Love Divination. Luck. Protection.


Use rosehips in healing mixtures.

Drink rosebud tea to induce prophetic dreams.

Rosebushes grown in your garden will attract faeries.

Add rose water distilled from the petals to your bath water.

Wear a chaplet of roses, or place a single rose in a vase on your altar when performing love spells to enhance the love-magic.

Common Names: Wild Rose, Dog Rose, Briar Rose
Botanical Name: Rosa canina, Rosa spp.
Family: Rosaceae
Plant Type: Shrub
Parts Used: Petals, leaves, and hips
Flowering: June

Native to Europe and Asia, R. canina is also naturalized in North America. It grows wild in hedges, along roadsides, and at the edges of meadows and woodlands.

Description: Wild rose, or Dog Rose is a shrub with arched, downward-curving branches…

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