The Healing Magic of 432 Hz + Crystals

There’s a magic that happens when we combine crystal energy with sound frequencies:
It has an alchemical harmonizing effect that we experience right down to a cellular level. Congruence is a powerful thing to consider, because right now our world is heavily incongruent (war, illness, pollution, tyrannical politics, social injustice, harmful tech, etc.).The incongruence is felt by our nervous system, which is then destabilizing to the energy patterns of our body, mind, and souls. Conversely, when we experience greater harmony, congruence within, we can re-establish wellness and balance.→ This isn’t a new concept, btw, it’s the fundamental upon which energy healing is based.
So back to 432 Hz and crystals:
Studies have begun to show that listening to music at the frequency of 432 Hz helps to slow our heart rate, lower blood pressure, and deepen our breathing – it has the opposite effect of stress on these systems. What I’ve found is that in pairing 432 hz music with congruent crystal frequencies I feel: a decompressing effect on my nervous system deeper relaxation spaciousness and ease within more grounded presence and embodiment greater compassion for myself and others. My intuition and spiritual connection to the ALL exponentially increases. I experience greater feelings of abundance, possibility, and something very precious to me: HOPE.

Read entire article here: The Healing Magic of 432 Hz + Crystals

October Newsletter – Seasons Change but some things never do

Good Witches Homestead

A look at how the rain helped create the October birthstone, a new discovery of blue diamonds, a gems fair announcement, and two great customer questions this month.

Source: October Newsletter – Seasons Change but some things never do

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Crystals + Practices to Maintain Spiritual Allignment / Alignment -- power word for 2020 that keeps you in the flow of synchronicity, your soul's vision, and your life purpose.

Alignment: power word for 2020. If you follow spiritual circles or teachers, you may have been hearing this word a lot.

The energy of 2020 is lined up to help us build our foundation for the next level of our success, fulfillment, Grace, health, new phase or story, but the key is setting this foundation in a way that is in alignment with our true heart’s desires and souls.

What does spiritual alignment mean? Simply put: embodying your soul’s truth and authentic feelings and desires.

What does alignment look like? Making choices and taking actions from that authentic place within, that keep you on your path and bring you towards deep fulfillment. It keeps you in the flow of synchronicity, magic, and Universal collusion — not to mention in a place of authentic joy.

It’s saying yes to YOU, your needs, feelings, honoring your soul’s vision, and saying “no” or “not right now” to anything that is out of alignment.

It could be career choices, relationships, where you live, right down to what you eat, how you pray (or not), and the small choices and decisions that make up your daily life.

It can look like buying the bright green couch that your friend thinks is hideous, because the color thrills you. Or saying no to the second date with the person who looks great on paper, but who just didn’t vibe right with you. It could be quitting the job, selling the apartment, moving to the country, getting a dog, and starting a lifestyle blog, because that fills you with fuzzy joy right down to the tips of your toes.

And, most importantly, it feels right.

Sounds like a magical way to live? IT IS. In every sense of the word.

BUT, for most people, there are inherent challenges to living an authentic life that is in alignment with their heart and soul.

Why? Let me count the ways:

  • Conditioning

  • Social conformity

  • Fear

  • Limiting beliefs and thought-forms

  • Fear

  • Self-doubt

  • Too much noise or conflicting inner impulses

  • Fear

  • Ego

  • The instinct to remain safe at all costs

Living in alignment, quite simply, takes courage. It takes risk. It takes listening. AND, most importantly, it takes practice.

What I’m sharing with you in this article are crystals and practices I work with as part of my daily practice of being/living in alignment.

View original article at: Kristin Mitchell ~ Crystals + Practices To Maintain Spiritual Alignment

March, April, May; Aquamarine, Diamonds, Emerald’s “Oh-My”

Good Witches Homestead

YOUR NEW FAVES – Here are our best sellers with over 6,000 5-star reviews! Fall in love with our magical jewelry – Shop Now for your favorite!

March Gemstone of the Month: Aquamarine




I respectfully disagree with Miss Cunningham.  I am not now, nor will I ever be, a blonde, and aquamarines look just lovely on me when I wear them. Of course she wrote the book in 1916 when the height of fashion was a white woman with blonde hair, so apparently, she was…

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March Birthstones – Zodiac Gemstones: Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Topaz, & more!

Good Witches Homestead

There are two gemstones on the modern birthstone list which connect with March and they are Aquamarine and Bloodstone. Aquamarine is a beautiful gemstone with rich color – it is known to be a symbol of youth, health, and hope. Aquamarine’s color ranges from stunning blues that can have a touch of green to intense shades that display depth in tone and color. It is a lovely stone that makes beautiful jewelry and gives a wonderful accent to spring and summer wardrobes.

Bloodstone is characterized by its dark green color and the presence of red, blood-like inclusions, which is how it earned its descriptive gemstone name. Bloodstone was once the original birthstone for March, but it was later replaced by aquamarine. Today, bloodstone is still an alternative birthstone for March and it is the zodiacal stone for Aries. Bloodstone is said to be a healing stone. Bloodstone works well in…

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Good Witches Homestead

Gem elixirs also called crystal essences or crystal waters, have been used by many throughout the ages. They are a convenient way to use the vibrational energies of the crystals for crystal healing, magick, and more. They are easy to make and can be stored for later use.

You can use one crystal, several, or even several different types to make a gem elixir. Using multiple types creates a synergy blend, which is useful for bringing together the vibrations of several stones as more than the sum of the parts, so to speak.

I recommend creating gem elixirs using what is called the indirect method, and I outline it below. This method is the safest for all crystal types because the elixir waters do not come in direct contact with the stones used. The direct method — where the stones are placed directly in the water — can be potentially…

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A Druid’s Guide to Herbalism, Part I:Harvesting by the Sun, Moon, and Stars, and Sacred Intent

The Druid's Garden

Field of Goldenrod in Fall Field of Goldenrod in Fall

A field of goldenrod, nettle, and aster greet me on this warm post- Fall Equinox day.  As the moon comes up with a sliver in the afternoon sky, I joyfully take my basket and harvest knife into the field for my fall plant preparations. The breeze has change on the air–winter is coming soon, and the sacred medicines I prepare will bring my family nourishment and strength for the coming dark half of the year. As we are well into the harvest season at this lovely Fall Equinox, I thought I’d take the time to talk about harvesting and preparation by the sun and moon and honoring the harvest. Next week, I’ll talk about the most basic plant preparations and we’ll end this series with talking about energetic preparations through the creation of flower and leaf essences.  That is, we’ll talk about the medicine of…

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Plant Spirit Communication Part IV: Medicine for the Body and the Soul

The Druid's Garden

In the last few weeks, we’ve considered various ways in which we might communicate with plant spirits, work with them, and engage in spirit journeys with them. In this post, I am beginning to make the transition to talk about plant medicine and herbalism for a few weeks–both medicine of the body and medicine of the soul. I think that herbal medicine is something incredibly powerful to add to any earth-based spiritual based practice, both to keep you in good health and to create inter-dependency between you and the living earth. In order to do that, I wanted to talk today about plant spirits and the connection between medicine for the body and medicine for the soul. To do this, we’ll delve into animism and an animistic worldview as well as consider deepening plant relationships.

Amazing reishi! Amazing reishi!

Medicine of the Body

Plants have physical bodies and various…

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Crystals for Dealing with Negative People

by Ashley Leavy
Love and Light School of Crystal Therapy

When you’re feeling like there’s some negative energy in your space or you’re surrounded by negative people, your instinct may be to immediately reach for your protective crystals, but this may not be the best remedy.

Energy is just energy. We classify it as “positive” or “negative” but in actuality, there is just energy. There is energy that serves our highest good (positive) and energy that doesn’t (negative).

So how do you deal with “negative” energy in a space? The first step to take is to clear the space of any energy that’s not serving your highest good.  When dealing with a person who leaves you feeling stressed out or drained, protective crystals can help shield you from absorbing the chaotic energy they imprint upon a space. However, using those crystals is only half of the solution.  You need to remedy the root cause of the situation by clearing that energy from your space.

Continue reading “Crystals for Dealing with Negative People”

Grounding Essentials

Though some people are too grounded (raises hand), there seems to be more that need all the reminders they can get, so … Here’s one.

by Kat Michaels CCT,ACM 

Grounding is a foundational yet often overlooked area of spiritual and psychic development. Those who are ungrounded can appear spacy or disconnected from their environments. They may experience dizziness, confusion, and memory trouble. By not taking the appropriate measures to stay connected to the Earth and to reality, ungrounded individuals lose touch with their physical senses and allow their spiritual senses to take over. This becomes a huge issue once leaving meditation or a healing session to return to the physical world. It’s important to remain grounded during meditation and other spiritual work, too, so that one can properly absorb and integrate spiritual information.

Easy ways to ground oneself include drinking water, eating root vegetables, or hugging a tree. Exploring nature, walking barefoot outside, and gardening are other great options. Archangels Michael and Metatron are able to help ground and/or keep one grounded (just remember that one must request their help to receive it!). Visualization and certain crystals also work extremely well for grounding. Whatever grounding method is chosen, it’s best to employ it as a daily practice.

For a grounding visualization, imagine that your feet are connected to the Earth with roots. The roots can be made of any natural material that resonates – they can be cords of light, actual tree roots, or lines of metal or stone. You may wish to do a short meditation to determine the best intuitive “grounding roots” for yourself. Set the intention that all is done in your highest and best interest and in the highest and best interest of all.

Most brown, black, and red stones will ground and will provide a feeling of physical stability and safety. Specific crystals and stones for grounding include the following:

Agate (all types), Black TourmalineBrown Tourmaline (dravite), CopperHematiteJasper (all types), Petrified WoodPyriteRed Tiger EyeShungite and Smokey Quartz.

To work with any of these, place the crystal or stone in your pocket during the day, or hold it in your receptive hand during meditation. Your receptive hand is generally your non-dominant hand, but check, as it varies by individual. You may also choose to wear the stones in jewelry or sleep with one underneath your pillow.