Avoiding Counterfeit Tarot and Oracle Decks

Embracing the Magic of the Summer Solstice in Your Herb Garden

The Herb Society of America Blog

unnamed (2)The summer solstice is a time when the natural world is ablaze with life, when the energies of light and warmth are at their peak. This celestial dance of light and shadow held profound significance for our ancestors. It was a time of celebration and thanks for the coming harvests, and a time to relax for a bit and play. Still today, some cultures celebrate by kindling fires, symbolizing the transformative power of the sun, and many communities gather to dance, sing, and rejoice in the abundance of the season.

Within the realms of folklore, the summer solstice is a moment in time when the veils between the human world and the realm of faeries grow gossamer thin. It is said that on the summer solstice eve, you may catch a glimpse of these ethereal beings, frolicking amidst the meadows and woodlands, their presence evoking a sense of wonder and…

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Exploring the Sacred Animals of the Quarters in the Druid Tradition — The Druids Garden

In the druid tradition, in multiple modern druid orders, we associate animals or fish with the four directions.  The classic ones are: The Great Bear in the North The Hawk in the East The Stag in the South The Salmon in the West Depending on the tradition, it might get a little fancier.  For example,…

Exploring the Sacred Animals of the Quarters in the Druid Tradition — The Druids Garden

The Sacred Actions Wheel of the Year Journal and Earth-Based Spiritual Journaling — The Druids Garden

I’m really excited to announce the release of my new book: The Sacred Actions Journal: A Wheel of the Year Journal for Sustainable and Spiritual Practices.  The Sacred Actions Journal is a follow-up to my 2021 book Sacred Actions: Living the Wheel and includes additional information on sacred actions, new insights on spiritual journaling, new…

The Sacred Actions Wheel of the Year Journal and Earth-Based Spiritual Journaling — The Druids Garden

December 2022 Forecast and Fourth Quarter North Node Horoscopes

Laura Bruno's Blog


We finish 2022 with a shift of energies and a changing worldview. In many ways, the intensity and frustration of 2022 set the stage for a much more eventful 2023. All the Jupiter/Neptune in Pisces energy, plus Mars Retrograde from October 30-January 13, 2023 make it difficult to evaluate 2022 and take action without the benefit of additional hindsight.

This need for review gets amplified by ending the year with Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn. Time to dot your i’s and cross your t’s. Mercury remains Retrograde until January 18, 2023 when Mercury stations Direct on the same day that the Sun conjuncts Pluto. We can expect something deep and profound to arise from our retrospection, but this year ends with a backwards look and suspended animation.

For now, tend to the things you can control and influence. In some cases that might “just” mean prayer and meditation…

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New Moon in Sagittarius ~ November 23, 2022 — Laura Bruno’s Blog

My November 2022 Forecast shared: November 23 New Moon in Sagittarius, 5:57 p.m. Eastern US time. This Sagittarius New Moon occurs only a half-hour after Jupiter stations direct in Pisces. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and co-rules Pisces, so this shift from retrograde to direct motion strengthens Jupiter and his domain. Known as “the Great Benefic,” Jupiter […]

New Moon in Sagittarius ~ November 23, 2022 — Laura Bruno’s Blog

The Healing Magic of 432 Hz + Crystals

There’s a magic that happens when we combine crystal energy with sound frequencies:
It has an alchemical harmonizing effect that we experience right down to a cellular level. Congruence is a powerful thing to consider, because right now our world is heavily incongruent (war, illness, pollution, tyrannical politics, social injustice, harmful tech, etc.).The incongruence is felt by our nervous system, which is then destabilizing to the energy patterns of our body, mind, and souls. Conversely, when we experience greater harmony, congruence within, we can re-establish wellness and balance.→ This isn’t a new concept, btw, it’s the fundamental upon which energy healing is based.
So back to 432 Hz and crystals:
Studies have begun to show that listening to music at the frequency of 432 Hz helps to slow our heart rate, lower blood pressure, and deepen our breathing – it has the opposite effect of stress on these systems. What I’ve found is that in pairing 432 hz music with congruent crystal frequencies I feel: a decompressing effect on my nervous system deeper relaxation spaciousness and ease within more grounded presence and embodiment greater compassion for myself and others. My intuition and spiritual connection to the ALL exponentially increases. I experience greater feelings of abundance, possibility, and something very precious to me: HOPE.

Read entire article here: The Healing Magic of 432 Hz + Crystals

Full Moon in Taurus, Lunar Eclipse ~ November 8, 2022

Laura Bruno's Blog

My November 2022 Forecast shared:

November 8 Full Moon in Taurus, Lunar Eclipse, 6:02 a.m. Eastern US time. Also called the “Mourning Moon,” this one occurs on (the scheduled) Election Day in the US. The Full Moon peaks at exactly 16°00′ Taurus, between Uranus and the North Node. This portends an intense day, pointing towards the future. The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is: “AN OLD TEACHER FAILS TO INTEREST HIS PUPILS IN TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE. KEYNOTE:The inadequacy of past knowledge in time of crisis.” According to Dane Rudhyar, “We might speak here of the principle of CREATIVE FRUSTRATION.”Mercury and Venus conjunct the Scorpio Sun point. This meeting may temper frustration through love, but nasty, vindictive words, jealousy and revenge could also arise. Depending on events, Uranus and the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse could trigger riots, but hopefully not!

We may already be witnessing some…

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The TreeLore Oracle and Magical Compendium of North American Trees — The Druids Garden

One of the most important things we can do to address the challenges of today’s age is to build authentic, lasting, and meaningful nature-based relationships and spiritual practices that are localized to our own ecosystems. We can build deep connections with our local land and take up our traditional ancestral role intending and honoring nature.…

The TreeLore Oracle and Magical Compendium of North American Trees — The Druids Garden

A 21st Century Wheel of the Year: Regeneration at Beltane — The Druids Garden

A druid walks upon a landscape, barren, cold, with trees cut and plants uprooted. Tears in her eyes, she surveys the damage that others have caused: the homes of so many animals disrupted after logging, the wild ramps and ginseng roots damaged, and the remains of the logged trees laying like skeletons on the earth.…

A 21st Century Wheel of the Year: Regeneration at Beltane — The Druids Garden