Herb of the Month: Love of Lavender

Foraging Wild Weeds & Seasonal Greens

Advice On Finding Morel Mushrooms

“Let it be still, and it will gradually become clear.”

To the best of my knowledge, Lao Tzu wasn’t a mycologist, but his famous text — the Tao Te Ching — could be considered a treatise on how to find morel mushrooms.

Reading the quote above, we are reminded that our desperation to find morels can complicate our search.  A desperate mind, after all, is a muddied mind.  A calm mind, on the other hand, is a clarified mind that can see what’s directly in front of it (in this case, a morel mushroom).

Here’s another quote from chapter 55:  “The master never expects results; thus the master is never disappointed.”

Disappointment afflicts many foragers who struggle to find morels.  Such disappointment can lead to sadness, anger, and frustration.  It’s better to appreciate the sunshine, fresh air, and singing birds than to feel like the morel gods have cursed us.

Lao Tzu was a wise man.  His words were very powerful.  My words will never be as eloquent as his, but I still feel obligated to share some of my own advice on finding morel mushrooms.

What skills must we develop?  Where do we look?  How do we deal with FOMO (the fear of missing out)?

In a brand new video, I summarize my thoughts.  You can watch the video here.

And in case you missed the announcement, I’m releasing a new online course in May.  Exploring Wild Ecosystems is designed to improve your knowledge of ecology by introducing you to fascinating ecosystems — including alvars, barrens, bogs, dunes, fens, glades, savannas, vernal pools, and others! 

To receive updates, please consider joining the notification list.

Thanks for reading and watching, and thanks for your continued support!

— Adam Haritan

HSA Webinar: Notable Native Ethnopharmacology

Holistic Herbalism and Pennsylvania School of Herbalism Announcement

Having Trouble Identifying Elms? Look for this feature.

Within the foraging community, people often promote rules of thumb.

• “When in doubt, throw it out.”
• “Collect no more than 10% of a particular species in an area to avoid overharvesting.”
• “It’s better to cut mushrooms with a knife than to pull them out of the ground with your hands.”

Generally speaking, I’m not the biggest fan of pithy guidelines such as those listed above.  Some of them are helpful, but most require elaboration. 

Here’s another example of a commonly promoted rule of thumb:  “To find morel mushrooms, look under elm trees.”

I actually like this rule of thumb, but I don’t think it’s helpful for those of us who can’t identify elms.  Some of us have trouble recognizing the ridges and furrows of elm bark.  Some of us don’t notice the double serration of elm leaves.

Fortunately, a seasonal feature can help us identify elms right now.  This feature will disappear in a few weeks, but if you look for it today, you will drastically increase your chances of finding elms. 

What is this feature?  Check out the brand new video to learn what it is!

And in case you missed the announcement, I will be releasing a new online course in May.  Exploring Wild Ecosystems is designed to improve your ecological knowledge by introducing you to fascinating ecosystems — including alvars, barrens, bogs, dunes, fens, glades, savannas, vernal pools, and others! 

To receive updates, please consider joining the notification list.

Thanks for reading and watching, and thanks for your continued support!

— Adam Haritan

Exploring Wild Ecosystems — New online course coming this spring!

There’s a hidden benefit to joining nature clubs that few people discuss.  Once gained, this benefit can be wasted if you don’t take action on it.  If you have no idea what I’m talking about, let me explain.

Early on, I realized that an easy way to learn mushrooms is to join a mushroom club.  An easy way to learn plants is to join a botanical club.  This is true for nearly any skill that can be taught.  Join an organization and participate in its activities.

This sounds pretty obvious, but what is the hidden benefit that I mentioned earlier?

The hidden benefit is this:  Nature clubs often take you to places that you’ve never been to before.  A botanical club might botanize a rare northern white-cedar fen.  A mushroom club might explore a remote red spruce forest.  

The reason I call it a “hidden” benefit is this:  many nature clubs never mention it.  In fact, some nature clubs never draw attention to the place itself.  Instead, they devote their attention solely to an isolated group of organisms that inhabit the place.

Now of course, organisms are vital components of a place, and we must learn them.  But the place itself, and the relationships that build the place, are things we also must learn if we are to improve our ecological literacy.

What is this place?  Why does it look like this?  Who is responsible for its existence?  How is this place any different from other places with similar names? 

If we don’t ask these questions, we fail to see how any of its organisms are connected.  If we don’t see the connections, we don’t see the place.  If we don’t see the place, we act in strange ways — almost like hungry people who taste only ingredients, but not the meal itself.

All this to say, I decided to bring awareness to this issue by creating a new online course devoted to this topic.  Exploring Wild Ecosystems is an educational resource I spent all of 2023 creating.  I am excited to announce that it will be released in May.

If you want to improve your ecological literacy while studying fascinating ecosystems (alvars, barrens, bogs, glades, prairies, swamps, and more), consider joining the notification list.

I’ll have more information to share in the upcoming weeks.

Thanks for your support!
—Adam Haritan

The Medicine, Magic, and Spirit of Trees: A Druid’s Garden Guide

Avoiding Counterfeit Tarot and Oracle Decks

Herbalism and Magical Herbalism: A Druid’s Garden Guide