The Sacred Actions Wheel of the Year Journal and Earth-Based Spiritual Journaling — The Druids Garden

I’m really excited to announce the release of my new book: The Sacred Actions Journal: A Wheel of the Year Journal for Sustainable and Spiritual Practices.  The Sacred Actions Journal is a follow-up to my 2021 book Sacred Actions: Living the Wheel and includes additional information on sacred actions, new insights on spiritual journaling, new…

The Sacred Actions Wheel of the Year Journal and Earth-Based Spiritual Journaling — The Druids Garden

Available Now!

One of my favorite independent authors.

Natalie J. Case

The first three books of the Blood Witch Saga are all available now, before Christmas! Do you have a reader on your list? Know someone who loves strong women, and urban fantasy, and wants to go on an adventure?

These are the books you’re looking for!

Follow Thána Alizon as she discovers that she is not the orphaned, mediocre middle-management corporate lackey she has believed herself to be and sets off on an adventure to find the family she never knew she had, traipsing through portals into other worlds, encountering mythical beings, dangerous cults, an ideological war, and a medieval plague.

Each portal takes her further from who she was and brings her closer to who she was meant to be.

Get yours now by clicking on the image above or this link.

Happy Holidays, Readers!!

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DID YOU KNOW Dr. Lee Ostler Published A Critically Important Book?

DID YOU KNOW that Dr. Lee Ostler has just published a critically important book?

We are so excited about this 358-page thorough introduction to and overview of Redox Biology, including foundational redox principles, redox signaling molecules and the science behind them, and practical redox applications regarding health and disease.

“Dr. Ostler has hit the sweet spot of explaining the science of redox to both health professionals and the science-aware public. There are many in both categories who will embrace this book with the same enthusiasm as I have.”~ Dick Walker MD

Go to for a book summary and for ordering Redox Matters: Connecting the Dots Between Redox Biology and Health. You will find a link for placing your order where you can also view the table of contents!

DR. LEE OSTLER received a bachelor’s degree in Biology/Zoology with an emphasis in biochemistry and physiology. He earned a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree and also received training in Advanced Dental Studies. He is a founding member, past President, and executive board member of the American Academy for Oral Systemic Health, an international organization focusing on co-management of oral-systemic healthcare for health professionals. He is the founder and program chair for the Eastern Washington Medical-Dental Summit, an annual gathering of physicians, dentists, and allied health professionals, and is the author of several books.

Sacred Actions: Living the Wheel of the Year Through Earth-Centered Sustainable Practices

The Druid's Garden

Sacred Actions book!

I’m really excited to announce that my new book through REDFeather / Shiffer Publishing is now availableo!  The Book is titled Sacred Actions: Living the Wheel of the Year Through Earth-Centered Sustainable Practices. I wanted to give you an introduction to the book and the concepts behind the book.  If you’ve been reading the blog for any length of time, you’ll see a great deal of familiarity: my explorations and writing on this blog shaped this book, although the book goes well beyond the blog.  In a nutshell, Sacred Actions presents a hybridization of nature spirituality, sustainable living, and permaculture practices and ethics.   I can’t wait to introduce it to you in today’s post!

Order in the US or UK from the Publisher (available now). Pre-order from Amazon (US) or Amazon (UK).  Pre-Order in Australia from Booktopia. 

As I’ve written on this blog before

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Druid Tree Workings: Exercises for Deepening Tree Relationships

The Druid's Garden

A wonderful tree to get to know! A wonderful tree to get to know!

Trees are wonderful and amazing beings, true teachers, friends, and wonderful introductory guides to nature’s mysteries.  Sometimes though, we don’t realize what a powerful impact different trees have had on our lives.  As one step towards cultivating a deep relationship with trees, this week I offer a series of exercises that can help you explore your memories of trees and see what existing connections you may already have.

These exercises and meditations can help you develop relationships with trees or deepen relationships that you’ve already started. You can do them either as meditations or as freewriting activities.  Discursive meditation or journey work would be appropriate if you wanted to use these as meditation tools. In a discursive meditation, you might meditate on the question or theme given (in each exercise) and work through your thoughts. In a journey meditation, you would use the…

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Seeing The Invisible


Title: Seeing The Invisible
Fandom: Sylum Universe: Kung Fu: The Legend Continues; CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Characters/Pairings: Peter Caine/Kermit Griffin, Original Characters
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,102
Summary: It had been a perfect weekend getaway, but what they find when they stop on the way home, was eye-opening even for the most hardened law enforcement officer. Written for Human Trafficking Awareness Day.

Read story at: Whispers In The Mind ~ Seeing The Invisible

Tranquility Among The Chaos – Sylum Advent 2019

via Tranquility Among The Chaos


Title: Tranquility Among The Chaos
Fandom: Sylum Universe: Kung Fu: The Legend Continues; CSI: Crime Scene Investigation; Historical Figures
Characters/Pairings: Peter Caine/Kermit Griffin, Nicolaus Valerius Meridius/Warrick Calhoun, Original Characters, Members of Shogun Clan, Members of Sylum Clan
Rating: PG
Word Count: 12,217
Summary: As he lay dying on the floor of the Triad warehouse, Peter’s only regret that he never told his partner of his feelings. Maybe in his next life. His next life came sooner than he thought, so he holds tight to the only calm in a sea of chaos.

Read story at:  Whispers In The Mind ~ Tranquility Among The Chaos

A Tribute To The Dog — Oro Cas Reflects

20180829_083939_HDR(1)I found the following piece of literature in a 1959 National Geographic magazine that I own. It is part of a huge collection that I purchased from an estate. This writing can also be found inscribed on “The Old Drum Memorial” in Warrensburg Missouri and was written in 1870. A Tribute To The Dog A […]

via A Tribute To The Dog — Oro Cas Reflects

Shakespeare — secretsoftheserpent

This post will come as a surprise to a lot of people. Even ‘awake’ people don’t know very much about Shakespeare. His writings are taught in school as one of the greatest works ever in human history. While manuscripts of the most important writers in the history of the world have made their way […]

via Shakespeare — secretsoftheserpent

Editing Services — Natalie J Case

Are you looking for an editor? Allow me to offer my services. I am a published author with six titles (four under a pen name) and well over 20 years of experience in writing and editing. My skillset includes technical and business writing, non-fiction and fiction, from pieces as small as 500 words all the Continue reading

via Editing Services — Natalie J Case