New moon in Pisces Lunar Report | Entering the Seed Moon Cycle

New moons mark the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one, and this new moon in Pisces is ushering in the Seed Moon Cycle! During this cycle we will also be experiencing a shift in seasons.

Here in the Northern Hemisphere we are shifting into the warmer months of Spring. The ground is thawing and we are now able to prepare our literal and metaphorical seeds for the new season ahead.

This new moon in Pisces will turn up your intuition and awareness. You might find your dreams are more vivid, or that your gut instincts are correct. Use your heightened intuition to ask yourself what kind of seeds you should plant for the cycle ahead.

Read full article at: Spirit de la Lune ~ New Moon in Pisces Moonthly Report | Entering the Seed Moon Cycle

Entering The Sage Moon | New Moon Lunar Report

This New Moon on February 1st could be considered the most powerful new moon of the year!

This new moon takes place on both Imbolc and the Lunar New Year in the sign of Aquarius. This helps us begin the month with what feels like a clean slate ready for powerful new beginnings.

This new moon is also right in the middle of Venus direct an Mercury direct which further helps set the stage for brand new beginnings in our relationships and the ways we might connect with others.

With this new moon we are entering the Sage Moon Cycle. This represents the time of year to clear away any stagnant or stuck energy so that you can plant new seeds for the year ahead.

Each month using our planners, decks and the current astrology, we create the New Moon Lunar Report.

Read complete article at: Spirit de Lune ~ Entering the Sage Moon | New Moon Lunar Report

New Moon in Scorpio | Entering the Crone Moon Cycle

We are already deep in Scorpio season and this new moon in Scorpio continues that theme of depth, mystery, and intensity. This moon cycle ramps up to some pretty intense astrological events and opportunities for transformation.

This month we experience the 11/11 portal which can help you manifest your dreams and desires. We also enter the Eclipse season with a partial eclipse on the full moon. Eclipses are powerful portals and tend to shake things up in a big way.

So buckle up and get ready for some big transformational opportunities to present themselves to you.

The moon turns new in the mysterious and deep sign of Scorpio on the 4th, which will help you embrace your own dark side. Scorpio is the sign of death and rebirth and this new moon cycle can hold potent transformational energy for you.

The Sun is opposite Uranus on the same day, which will add to that transformational energy and can bring to light any thing suppressed or blocked that is keeping you from stepping into your full power. This aspect is sometimes seen as rebellious, but can be used to break free from any self imposed obstacles that might be holding you back.

Read original article at: Spirit de la Lune ~ New Moon In Scorpio|Entering the Crone Moon Cycle

New Moon in Libra | Welcoming in the Blood Moon Cycle

We have officially entered the Autumn season here in the Northern Hemisphere. The days are getting shorter and colder as the earth turns more and more towards her darker months.

This New Moon welcomes in the Blood Moon cycles; a time honoring the rebirth that takes place during and after the darkest times.

This new cycle could feel a bit intense, but we will begin to feel some of the stagnant energy move forward as many of the 6 planets that have been retrograde begin to station direct.

This and the New Moon make for a potent time to create clear intentions that can help you move forward as well.

Read full article at: Spirit de la Lune ~ New Moon In Libra|Welcoming In The Blood Moon Cycle

New Moon in Virgo Moonthly Lunar Report | Entering the Harvest Moon

The Harvest cycle represents the fruits of your labor so it’s important to take stock of what is happening and manifesting in your life. Are you proud of what is manifesting? Or would you like to shift it somehow? The best way to shift your energy into a higher frequency is gratitude. Begin to practice gratitude for the blessings that are already present in your life and you will expand your heart for more. The cards pull for the cycle show that there is an opportunity for renewal, support, and reconnection. Reconnect to your heart and take this cycle to ground yourself in your gratitude and allow the blessings to flow.

Mars is opposite Neptune on the 2nd. Be careful not to fool yourself or chase fantasies right now. This aspect has a sense of illusion and mystery around it. You might be feeling motivated towards a goal, but make sure it is aligned with your true intentions. It is also important not to rush things right now.

Read original article at: Spirit de la Lune ~ New Moon in Virgo Moonthly Report | Entering the Harvest Moon

Planting Your Seeds | Moonthly Lunar Report Entering the Seed Moon

Planting Your Seeds | Moonthly Lunar Report Entering the Seed Moon

This new moon in Aquarius is bringing in a season of change and personal transformation. Old ideas about your life or yourself could shift a lot during this cycle.

Transformation can take place on many levels of your life. Let go of any lilimations you may be putting on yourself and be ready for a revolution from the inside out.

This new moon is a part of a very large stellium in Aquarius that includes the sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn.

Planting Your Seeds | Moonthly Lunar Report Entering the Seed Moon

This week is going to shake things up! The new moon lands in Aquarius on the 11th and if the Water Bearer is considered the rebel of the zodiac, his cosmic counterpart is the asteroid, Lilith. And she is making a lot of squares this week.

The same day as the new moon, she squares both Venus & Jupiter, while Venus conjuncts Jupiter. Conflicts and drama in relationships can surface, so tread lightly. There could be an internal struggle with following your heart and going against others’ wishes and opinions.

Read original article at: Spirit de la Lune ~ Planting Your Seeds|Moonthly Lunar Report Entering the Seed Moon

7 Things To Do When A Spread Isn’t Working For You — This Crooked Crown

Ever see a spread on pinterest or tumblr and think “I wanna try that?” and yet it’s stupidly hard to get into? Like reading a book or a watching a movie that is dragging slowly. You want to finish it but it’s just not happening. Let’s be honest: sometimes you’re distracted and that’s why nothing’s […]

via 7 Things To Do When A Spread Isn’t Working For You — This Crooked Crown

Astrorisa Moon Forecast ~ Libra Full Moon ~4/19/2019

Astrorisa Moon Forecaster
Date: April 19, 2019
April 19, 2019
Time: 7:12 AM ET
Libra Full Moon 29° in House 6
Aries Sun 29° in House 12
April 19th Lunar Themes: Optimism, resourcefulness, inspiration, encouragement, a new creative start. Opportunity for growth, and increased communications. April 19th Lunar Shadow Themes: Broken agreements, negative attention, lack of commitment, a lack of drive, and gossip.
27 Day Libra Full Moon Themes: Opportunity, a developmental stage, all forms of partnerships, agreements and contracts. Negotiations, new locations, and moving. 27 Day Libra Shadow Full Moon Themes: Impatience, fear, dead end situations, domination, restriction, and travel difficulties.
This 2nd Libra/ Oshun Full Moon brings a dynamic moon time for many of us because it points towards the cosmic doorway leading to great abundance. The keyword is “abundance” we must be wise and alert to what type of abundance we’re creating or open to receive. Not all abundance is good, not all abundance is bad. Because an abundance of growth in any direction negative and positive is available to us. We must be careful not to run from our responsibilities.
During these 27 lunar days some people will have to address their fears. Fears regarding a need to change, the fear of trusting in their own abilities, the fear of making important decisions, the fear of loss and so on. Oshun/ Libra Moon 29° represents our internal collective drive and consciousness, and this specific type of Oshun/Libra moon’s persona longs for some form of freedom to experience. She enjoys holding her own, and she’ll create these experiences either through an act of grace or immoral force either way doesn’t concern her as long as her desire is met.
 Therefore, we too have an inner drive for change and balance and if we’re not careful our subconscious and conscious minds will create those adjustments and revolutions by any means necessary.
During these 27 lunar days some of us will struggle with combating our fear about reaching our individual and collective progression or success. This Oshun/Libra 29° moon can be the doorkeeper for dangerous times, and can herald a time of psychosis, a weak moral compass and problematic disruptive feminine and masculine energies. Both Sun in Aries and Moon in Libra are 29° and both planets are residing in houses which require a lot of personal attention and healing, houses 6 and 12. So we must be prepared for sudden changes, as well as standing guard against emotional and psychological tricks. The positive side of this Oshun/Libra 29° moon time is an increased ability to solve problems.
Upcoming Lunar Experiences and Expressions
Be Alert ~ Be Aware ~ Be Focused
1.)  Some people during these 27 days will find themselves in need of a good rest and a time out period. If we ignore these messages to rest during this lunar time, we may be forced to do so. Libra looks to rectify and balance all things, therefore some people will be ready to set down roots, either through marriage, a new home, moving to another location, or taking a needed vacation.
2.)  Some people will have an increased sensitivity to their environment, to food and their emotions, i.e. feeling ultra-sensitive. Libra in house 6 brings us face to face with our 5 senses which at this point becomes heighted and can trigger health issues, and sharper psychic abilities. But there’ll also likely be an increased awareness of what we personally need with the desire to create a happy, desirable space for ourselves and others.
3.)  Some people will likely experience major transformations which will either be liberating or caustic, fearful, and challenging. This is due to the karmic energy of Pluto’s influence on both the sun and moon which are squaring Pluto and creates a destiny changer for many of us.
Challenging Aspects
Moon (Yemoja)  square Pluto (Oya) -intense emotional expressions and experiences come under this transit. Manipulation, dangerous sexual passions, abuse, jealousy, and a devouring, destruction behavior can also manifest with this transit.

Sun (Sango/ Orunmila/ Olofi) square Pluto (Oya) -under this transit a person can become fearless to the point of being ruthless in their determination for authority, power, and control. Psychological issues once ignored can surface and will demand rectifying.

This moon and sun at 29° sits at the threshold of a cosmic door way which means any changes to happen in our lives is unavoidable. Something will have to be released in order for us to move forward. But when we are consciously aware of upcoming or ongoing shifts that are happening. We can choose to some degree what part we’ll play in this transformation.

Helpful Aspects
Moon(Yemoja) sextile Jupiter(Obatala) brings a sociable, friendly experience and a lot of positive energy. Generosity and friendship is strong under this transit.
 Venus (Oshun) sextile Pluto (Oya) draws intensive feelings of love, commitment, fulfillment and passion into one’s life. This aspect can increase the abundance of prosperity, and wealth. Whatever one wants to uncover, discover, or obtain this is the transit to put the work in to receive it.
Important Date: May 16, 2019
Moon 23°Libra
Be on guard for problematic situations cropping up. If you have access to any oracle tool or guide, check in a week or so prior to this date to prepare for the unexpected. Don’t give into temptations on this date, or be careless and carefree in your approach with people or situations. This isn’t a date to give anyone a pass, be firm in hopes to avoid getting set up and experiencing losses. This isn’t a date to rush into things, instead stay focused on your opportunities and goals.
Full Moon Ceremony:
After completing your full moon fill em up prayers begin this Libra/ Oshun 29° ceremony. Focus your intention on what you prayed for when you performed the full moon fill’em up prayer and ritual.
1 Purple Candle 
1 Red Candle 
 1 Palo Santo Stick
Chose to burn your candles 1 day or 3 days.
You can use a 7 day candle or any other size candle but allow it to burn 1 or 3 days.
Burning the candle 1 day connects our moon work to the Moon 13° Scorpio, in House 6 for those who need to connect to the transformative energies of this full moon time. And to address fears and concerns up front and personal without fear or running away.
Burning the candle for 3 days connects our moon work to the Moon 10° Sagittarius, in House 7 for those who need to experience the expansive and abundance of opportunities that are available to us.
Light the Palo Santo stick after the candle is lit and allow the stick to go out.
Do this once if the candle is burned 1 time. Repeat burning the same stick for 3 days each time the candle is lit for those doing the 3 day ceremony.
If you don’t have a Palo Santo stick only use Sage. DO NOT USE CEDAR for this ritual.
Pick a time of the day you wish to start your ceremony it can be at 7:12 AM or any time after, no later than 9:12 PM. repeat the ceremony at the same time for the 3 days if you chose the 3 day process.
Discard both the candle and Palo Santo stick the day after your ceremony is completed by placing them in a brown paper bag and twist the ends shut. You can throw the bag in the trash away from the house or in the garbage directly outside of the house.
This moon ceremony is done to increase opportunities, and courage. To open doors of positive possibilities, to increase our ability to intuit divine messages, for protection and to confront fear. All done for our highest good.
For my Ausar Auset friends, the Herukhuti element shows up in this moon ceremony.
May you have a divinely loving, protective, and fearless full moon time.
Questions? Email Me

Solar Eclipse & New moon in Capricorn Energy Report

This is the first official complete moon cycle of 2019 and all the cards we pulled for this cycle are the Full Moondala cards carrying really big energy! This just affirms that THIS IS THE CYCLE to help us set the whole foundation of 2019 and by doing so we will create ripples through the months to come!

Partial Solar Eclipse in Capricorn 1.5.2019

The the Solar Eclipse is a highly-charged New Moon when the Moon is in exact alignment with the Sun, the Sun is illuminating and supporting the New Moon… So whatever intentions you set tonight be very clear and focused with them (think capturing the light of the sun in a magnifying glass) and the Capricorn energy will definitely help with this. This New Moon is great for setting intentions for career, money, security, and building a foundation you can live and thrive on so keep this in mind when you set your intentions.

2019 New Moon in Capricorn energy report

We pulled the moondala: Flower Moon, which means whatever your goals are, you have all the resources you need to fully bloom and embody this dream. So don’t be afraid to be very specific! Capricorn is very strategizing and and really wants to set you up for success.

Uranus goes direct on January 6th, so expect the unexpected. This means be bold and take action this moon cycle… whatever ideas that have been brewing and swirling around in your head since August 2018, as crazy as they may seem, now is the time to act upon them. Also don’t be surprised if any weird, unexpected events or circumstances present themselves to you… it’s all a part of the bigger picture.

Slavic Winter Divination and Fortune Telling Practices