Your Root is Evolving: Crystals to Help You Adapt + Thrive /

There was something I learned years ago when I was training as a healer: If the energy centre at your root (at the base of your spine) is out of balance, then everything else will end up out of balance, too.

This is because our root is the foundation of our health and well being.

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Our physical health, yes, but also

  • Our livelihoods, our families, our community relations.
  • Ability to remain grounded, centered, empowered.
  • To be resilient, to endure.
  • To feel safe, secure, provided-for, and strong.

When our root is balanced, we feel confident, capable of handling challenges/stress/obstacles, and optimistic.

Our needs are met, and we feel solid in our place in the world.

But when it’s not balanced:

  • We can feel blocked, afraid, or struggling.
  • We have weak energy, are fatigued and un-grounded, and have compromised immune systems.
  • We can isolate and self-neglect, or overcompensate and look for safety, security, or provision in others.
  • Hoarding, recklessness, aggression, conflict, and defensive behaviour can take hold (and we’ve been seeing A LOT of that in recent history).

If the root energy centre continues to function out of balance, that imbalance vibrates up through our energy system and starts to throw off our other energy centres, too.

Read full at: Krista Mitchell ~ You Root is Evolving! Crystals to Help You Adapt + Thrive

May Birthstone: What did Cleopatra know that you don’t? Find out here — Good Witches Homestead

Emerald, the May birthstone, has an ancient history connected to physical and psychic vision, as well as the heart, unconditional love, and compassion. Worn by the epitome of feminine beauty, Cleopatra, the May birthstone is durable enough for all types of jewelry and suits any budget. Source: May Birthstone: What did Cleopatra know that you […]

May Birthstone: What did Cleopatra know that you don’t? Find out here — Good Witches Homestead

Gemstones for Love – Our magnificent 7 Gems of the Heart

Good Witches Homestead

Are you looking for love or trying to mend a broken heart? In a new relationship or in the middle of a life-long love story? We have the gemstones for you.

Source: Gemstones for Love – Our magnificent 7 Gems of the Heart

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March Birthstone: Not just Aquamarine you have another choice!

Good Witches Homestead

Aquamarine, the March birthstone, is a bluish-green stone that gets its name from aqua marinus, the Latin for “seawater”.

This is in reference to the tranquil blue color of the gemstone, which has made it a favorite gem among celebrities, royalty and everyone in between.

The natural deep blue-tinted aquamarines are the rarest and most highly prized.

Chemically, aquamarine is a type of beryl, the same mineral group as morganite and emerald, and is characterized by expansive six-sided crystals that can grow to be as long as a foot. This makes aquamarine an ideal gemstone for producing large carat pieces that, when faceted or polished, make exceptional statements.

Another significant aspect of aquamarine that makes it so valuable is that it is often eye clean (visually flawless), given that there are rarely inclusions that can be seen with the naked eye, and it has fewer fractures than emerald. Moreover…

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February Newsletter – Valentine’s Day is here but don’t panic

Good Witches Homestead

I am sure you will not need reminding that February is the month of Valentine’s Day but how about a few tips about what to buy if you have decided to splurge on a gemstone for your loved one this year.

We have some great ideas for the perfect romantic gemstone gift, plus, a movie about Black Opals, huge diamonds and this month’s birthstone in our newsletter.

Source: February Newsletter – Valentine’s Day is here but don’t panic

There is really no question in people’s minds when it comes to the February birthstone – it is most decidedly amethyst, a gemstone synonymous with purple. This variety of quartz was once highly prized and often valued above ruby and emerald. In fact, amethyst was known in the ancient world as one of the five cardinal gemstones: diamond, emerald, ruby, sapphire, and amethyst. During the 19th century, large amethyst deposits were found…

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Clearing Space for the New; New Moon in Aquarius…

Good Witches Homestead

Today, January 24th, we have a New Moon in Aquarius @ 1:42 pm PST (4:42 pm EST). This is our first New Moon of the Year and can help us to set the tone of our year, and even our new decade. Tomorrow, January 25th, we celebrate the Year of the Rat ~ the Rat is the first zodiac sign of the Chinese Calendar and so we have a lot of new beginnings this year of 2020. Rat is yang energy and represents the beginning of a new day. The Rat Year is a time to develop your abilities, to think out of the box and to be resourceful and creative. The metal element signals renewed ambition and a desire to fulfill unmet needs. And during a Rat Year, you are encouraged to take care of yourself and not worry about others.

Aquarius Moon energy is…

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Garnet Information – Much more to it than flaming reds

Good Witches Homestead

“The garnet is a red gem, but not like the ruby, its red is much more like that of a flame … It forms far in the east … If correctly cut and polished it will reveal all its beauty and perfection.”

Aristotle wrote this about garnets over 2000 years ago but our love and admiration for this gemstone continue to this day and we have discovered there are more to this gem than just a flaming red.

Garnets are the ‘modern family’ in the gemstone world. Not for them a simple chemical formation with one or two impurities to give a bit of color, no this is the gem family with lots of chemical half-brothers, mineral step-sisters, long lost crystal cousins and strange geologic uncles.

This group of closely related minerals has given us a variety of gemstones that appear in almost every color, most often and most famously…

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Gemstone Gem Notes: Garnet Meaning and Properties

Good Witches Homestead

The deep, glossy red color of garnet resembles the juicy seeds of a pomegranate, which is perhaps why its name is derived from the Latin word granatum, meaning pomegranate seed. In Greek mythology, a pomegranate was often given as a gift of passion and associated with eternal love. In ancient history, travelers wore garnet gemstones because they were believed to light up the night and provide protection from nightmares and accidents.

Garnets were used in burial jewelry and carved signet rings to proclaim royalty during the Bronze Age (300 BC). Garnets were one of the most popular gemstones of the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons, as revealed in the stunning jewelry and sword fittings in the Staffordshire Hoard because they believed the blood-red stone improved their fighting prowess.

In the middle ages, garnet was commonly believed to guard against poison. Royals would often drop a garnet gemstone into a glass of…

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Sapphire: The Corundum Conundrum

Good Witches Homestead

Blue Sapphire likely derives its name from the Sanskrit word sanipriya meaning “dear to the planet Saturn,” and is considered one of the few precious gemstones. By definition, a gemstone is a rare, beautiful and durable stone, and since Sapphire has a beautiful blue hue, a Mohs hardness of 9 out of 10 and no cleavage planes it is considered one of the most precious gemstones.
In addition to its physical traits, Sapphire has considered precious because of the belief that it makes one “favorable to God” according to the ancient Greek historian Damigeron and is said to protect against envy and regulate all bodily functions. A great stone for meditation, Blue Sapphire guides one in spiritual endeavors. Judy Hall states in The Crystal Bible that it “facilitates self-expression and speaking your truth.”
Did you know that Sapphire occurs in a rainbow of colors?

To provide some disambiguation Sapphire can occur in many colors and…

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All About Birthstones – GemSelect Newsletter September 2019 — Good Witches Homestead

What is a birthstone? A birthstone is a gemstone which has been designated to a specific month of the year, in some cases, there are multiple gemstones which can belong to one specific month; your birth month determines which gemstones apply to you. But a birthstone is more than that… it is a way for […]

via All About Birthstones – GemSelect Newsletter September 2019 — Good Witches Homestead