Holistic Herbalism and Pennsylvania School of Herbalism Announcement

Just What Exactly Is Ayurveda?

Good Witches Homestead

Ayurveda, an ancient Indian stream of medicine, is basically a Sanskrit term that has been drawn from two roots – ‘Ayus’ denoting life and ‘vid’ meaning knowledge. In effect, life or ‘Ayus’ manifests an amalgamation of the body, the mind, the sense organs as well as the soul. It may be noted here that the Vedas are earliest Hindu texts of knowledge which are known to have been exquisitely discovered by the sages or wise men of India several thousand years back. The four Vedas enclose the information, cadence as well as the makeup of the universe, in addition to the secrets behind the ailments and health.

10% off $39 or more at Sacred Life OilsAs aforementioned, there are four Vedas – the Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, and the Atharva Veda. Precisely speaking, Ayurveda is an element of the fourth Veda, which comprises comprehensive critiques related to treating the sick by means of using mantras, potions, and…

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Kick Off 2019 With A Health-Minded Resolution!

Good Witches Homestead

All of us want to live happy, fulfilling, and creative lives. How can we achieve this goal? Undoubtedly, creating and maintaining good health is key. Most importantly, we need to pay attention to what is unfolding in and around us. This means regular internal “check-ins” to determine what we need – rest, nutrients, emotional and physical contact, stretching and movement – as well as the daily practice of healthy habits. We must literally “practice to be healthy,” rather than practice to be sick. This requires effort, knowledge, support, and repetition. In today’s world, it also necessitates knowing how best to manage the daily stress that is part of our lives in a way that works for us personally and individually.

Begin your Herbal Journey in the Introductory Herbal Course

Reducing stress and its effect on health is a challenge for nearly everyone. Some of us turn to pharmaceutical medications, which often not only fail to truly reduce stress but…

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Good Witches Homestead

January is here with its fresh start, and we are enjoying our snowy Utah landscape, cozy fires and turning inward. This time of year is about resetting, refreshing, finding balance and focusing on self-care and the care of loved ones. This is a wonderful time to start new healthy habits that can stay with you all year long. It’s also a great opportunity to share the beauty and accessibility of herbal tinctures with friends and family, resolving to build good health within your community!

When we think about using herbs in our everyday life, there are a few ways that come to mind; fresh harvest from the garden, herbal infusions (tea) and herbal tinctures. While many of you know what a tincture is and use them often, many folks don’t, and our goal is to get more people comfortable using plant medicines and to be inclusive in our information; we…

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Crystal Healing 101 ~ Your Safety Matters

By Krista Mitchell

How safe is your spiritual, psychic, or crystal healing practice?

There’s nothing more exciting than answering your calling and pursuing your purpose.

Earning a living as a healer or psychic and running a spiritual business, though a lot of work, is so fulfilling, and it’s a dream come true for a lot of people who are seeking to find deeper meaning in their lives.

What can get missed, though, are safety concerns. We’re talking physical security, legal protection, energy protection, and crystal care (if you work with crystals).

The reality of the world we live in, is that while we are doing beautiful work and attracting wonderful clients to our services, there are still scammers, predators, sexual solicitors, and angry people out there, and it only takes one to do you a world of harm.

And as a healer, if you’re not honoring certain things like boundaries, laws, liabilities, and proper care of your crystals, you could potentially (and unintentionally!) harm a client.

This is the real-world side of being a healer, beyond the trainings, psychic development, and IG posts with sparkles and unicorns (I love sparkles and unicorns!).

Whether you’re looking to start a healing practice, or if you’re already full-throttle, my latest article on my blog “Crystal Healing 101: Safety Tips” is a must-read.

And if you’re a client or someone who receives spiritual healing, it’s also worth a read if you have any concerns about boundaries or liabilities.

As more and more people are answering the call and setting out to become professional healing practitioners (which I am beyond honored to be helping to facilitate!), safety concerns could become an increasing issue.

Head on over to my blog and read my article “Crystal Healing 101: Safety Tips”for great info that can help you, and please feel free to ask any questions in the comments area of my blog.

Ps. If you’re looking for an amazing, professional level, crystal healer program, read below for details about my Pro Crystal Healer online course registering soon, and what some of my 2017 students had to say about the program!

Registration Opens on Tuesday, May 15th!

I have been absolutely blown-away by peoples’ interest in this course! And to answer a few of the more common questions:

Yes, you will learn about literally hundreds of crystals and how to apply their energy in healing.

Yes, you will learn about the chakras, how they function, what throws them out of balance, and about the human energy body and the aura’s many layers.

But you’ll also learn about people, how they heal, how to take care of your clients, how to provide the energy resources and environment they need for their healing process.

This is a well-rounded, thorough, real-life yet fun program that will not only train you to a professional level in crystal healing (yes, even if you are a beginner!), but will also help to heal and transform you along the way.

The world needs well-trained, passionate, professional healers, now more than ever. And I created this program specifically to help serve that need.

Hit the buttons below for more information on the course, and see what a few of my 2017 students had to say about the program!

Program Details
Program FAQ
Class Dates + Times + Descriptions

Quote of the Week

“We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.” 
― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

How to Learn Homeopathy – Materia Medica

Good Witches Homestead

“Materia media” are Latin words that mean “materials of medicine,” that is, the various medicines used in homeopathy from the plant, mineral, animal, or chemical kingdoms.  Homeopathic medicines are listed in Latin so that homeopaths (and patients) can be precise with the exact source of the medicinal substance.

There are hundreds of homeopathic materia medica, and there are different styles in which they are written and organized.  Since materia medicas are full of detailed information about a medicine, it is necessary to study each medicine in a systematic way so that you can retain as much information about it as possible.  Each person develops his or her own systematic way to study the materia medica.  One common method is to summarize the key mental and physical general symptoms along with the charac­teristic physical symptoms on an index card or a sheet of paper.  In general, students of homeopathy learn the…

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Ginger Cinnamon Elderberry Syrup ~ Immune System Support

Good Witches Homestead

The elder tree is known to many herbalists as a sacred tree. While we’re sure it has its own stories to tell, there’s already an abundance of recorded folklore. In Scandinavian and Danish myths, this tree was thought to be guarded by a forest spirit named Hyldemoer, also known as Elder Mother. Before anything was taken from the tree, it was believed that one must say a certain charm for her permission. While we wish we knew these ancient words, we’re sure a “thank you,” a song of appreciation or a token of gratitude would suffice when carefully collecting its medicinal flowers or berries.

Elder tree flowers and berries are often used in teas, tinctures, jams, jellies and syrups. Traditionally the berries are used to support immune system health.* A syrup can easily be made from fresh elderberries (Sambucus nigra) and elderflowers, or you can simply use dried…

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Medicinal Herb: Marshmallow

Good Witches Homestead

Althaea Officinalis

Also, Known As:

  • Althaea
  • Marshmallow
  • Mortification Root
  • Sweetweed

Found growing in abundance in moist and wet places all over the world, marshmallow is a perennial aromatic herb that is sometimes found to grow up to four feet in height. While the herb can be found growing in plenty in the wild, it is also cultivated commercially for medicinal use. The root of the plant is white in color and tastes sweet similar to the parsnip (a long tapering cream-colored root cooked and consumed as a vegetable). However, unlike the parsnip, marshmallow roots contain plenty of mucilage (a gummy substance secreted by some plants containing protein and carbohydrates). The plant has numerous branch-less stems that are woolly or covered with long, soft, white hairs. The marshmallow stems bear serrate (edged with indentations or with projections that resemble the teeth of a saw) and pubescent (covered with down or fine hair) leaves…

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Medicinal Herbs: Clary Sage

Good Witches Homestead

Clary Sage {Salvia sclarea}

Clary Sage is an ancient herb that has been used by many cultures to medicate the eyes and treat a variety of diseases. This biennial member of the mint family, Lamiaceae, is native to the northern Mediterranean, parts of North Africa, and Central Asia. It is now a commercial crop in the Mediterranean, Russia, the United States, England, Morocco, and Central Europe, cultivated primarily for its essential oils. It still grows wild in many places.

The plant begins as a rosette, and, by its second year, produces strong, hairy stems that reach an average height of three feet. The large, downy green leaves are paired and show a hint of purple. The herb produces lush spikes of lilac or blue flowers that bloom from spring to mid-summer and attract bees and other pollinators.

Healing Properties

Written records of the herb’s healing powers go…

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Health Benefits of Butterbur

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Crooked Bear Creek Organic Herbs

Butterbur has a plant extract used in alternative remedies. But what are its health benefits and are there any risks involved in using it?

Butterbur comes from a shrub that grows in Europe, Asia, and parts of North America, and is available as a natural remedy in many health food stores and pharmacies. It is most commonly used to treat migraines and hay fever, although it has a number of other potential uses.

What is butterbur?

Butterbur plant and flower.Butterbur extract comes from the bulb, leaf, and roots of the plant.

The proper name for the butterbur plant is petasites hybridus. It grows best in wet marshland, damp forest soil, or on riverbanks.

The name butterbur is thought to come from the fact that its large leaves were traditionally used to wrap butter and stop it from melting in summer.

Butterbur extract is taken from the leaf, roots, or bulb of the plant.

The use…

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