Bringing back the Hearth: Ancestral Fires for Protection, Connection, and Comfort

The Druid's Garden

Sacred tea over the fire Sacred tea over the fire

Fire is one of the most ancient tools that humans have and one of the things that separates our species from others on this beautiful planet.  Humans have an incredible ancestral connection to fire. Think about how a fire draws you in–when you see a campfire or fire in a hearth, you want to get close and stay warm. That is probably because we humans have been working with fire for somewhere between 1 million and 1.5 million years. 1.5 million years ago, our ancient ancestors would have been Homo Erectus; and so, as we evolved into Homo Sapiens, it is very likely that fire was already with us. For more information on fire and ancestral fires, I suggest checking out this post!

Because of this deep connection, if we move forward quite a bit in time, we can understand why as people built…

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Crystals + Air Element: Inspiration & Divine Communication

On a windy day, I like to open my arms wide and invite the spirits of the wind to clear my energy. Carry away any stagnant or harmful debris sitting on my aura or in my energy field, the stress and cobwebs from my mind, any dark or heavy feelings.

It feels liberating and invigorating! I then ask the air to infuse me with fresh ideas, free up my thinking, free me of preconceived limitations.

That’s the power of the air: It helps us to become unblocked, get moving again, feel inspired and think and communicate in new ways.

In the story of Ramtha, as he transitions from human flesh to Spirit, he becomes the wind and is transformed into air.

Air is liberating, invigorating, refreshing, and a powerful ally in our BECOMING.


  • Receiving Divine guidance

  • Forming ideas, thoughts, concepts, perspectives

  • Clearing energy

  • Communicating with the Divine, including prayer, mediumship, and psychic ability

  • Communicating + expressing thoughts and ideas with others

  • Listening

  • Forming + setting intentions

  • Freeing ourselves of things or thought patterns that no longer serve us

  • Travel

  • Movement (both physically and also in the form of healing chi flowing through the body)

  • Breathing + respiratory + cardiovascular wellness


The best way to work with any of the following crystals is to hold one in your receptive hand while meditating or channeling, wear it as needed, or place it on the 3rd eye chakra in crystal healing sessions.

Read original article at: Krista Mitchell – CRYSTALS + AIR ELEMENT: INSPIRATION + DIVINE COMMUNICATION


Clearing and protecting your energetic space at home from shadows.

Spiritual Cleansing Bath – Basic Recipe

Simple Spiritual House Cleansing

Winter Tree Lore

Good Witches Homestead

ELDER (Sambucus spp.) – The Latin name Sambucus is derived from a Greek word for a wind instrument made from the elder. Also known as Ellhorn, Elderberry, Lady Elder. Sacred to the White Lady and Midsummer Solstice. The Druids used it to both bless and curse. Standing under an elder tree at Midsummer, like standing in a Fairy Ring of mushrooms, will help you see the “little people.” Elder wands can be used to drive out evil spirits or thought forms. Music on panpipes or flutes of elder has the same power as the wand.  The pith can easily be removed from the small branches to make a flute. Elder re-grows damaged branches with ease and can root rapidly from any part. A tea for purifying the blood can be made from the flowers and wine from the fruit, but in general, the tree is poisonous. In Norse mythology, the Goddess Freya chose the…

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Cleansing Your Aura with Crystals

by Kat Michaels


Have you ever tried cleansing your aura after a rough day? An aura cleanse is a great way to remove harmful energy using crystals.

For an aura cleanse, start with your favorite cleansed piece of seleniteblack obsidianclear quartzsmoky quartz, or labradorite. It’s best to use a carved massage wand or a natural wand with a single or double termination, but any shape will work.

After choosing your stone, trace it through your aura about 4-6 inches away from your body, using your intuition to guide you. If you’re using a carved massage wand or a natural wand with a single termination, make sure that the blunt end is facing toward your body and that the termination is facing outward. That will ensure that the energy you remove will exit the wand through the termination instead of getting stuck in your auric field. Trace the front and back of yourself as well as your sides, under your arms, and between your legs, as energy can get stuck in any area of your aura. Energy is particularly likely to be stuck in areas where you have pain or have previously been injured, so pay extra attention to those spots.

Once you’re done cleansing your aura, make sure to cleanse your stone well again so that the harmful energy doesn’t affect the stone’s healing properties. To keep your aura in tip-top shape, try to do this three to four times a week.

If you liked this article, visit Kat Michael’s website.


Smudging Without Smoke

Good ideas.

Witchery Wednesday


This is without a doubt one of the things we’ve been asked most often over the years.  So many times, so many frustrated people, so many instances of “I really need to sage, but…”

Let’s face it, there are many reasons why you might not want smoke in your house/business/vicinity.  Maybe you have a new baby, a sensitive pet, or a family member with a health risk like asthma or COPD.  Or you might own a business or work in a place where it would not be practical or appropriate to burn things.  Whatever reasons you have are valid.  And there are solutions, we just need to apply a little creativity.

The following is just a sampling of methods that we like to use or suggest in situations where smudging is needed but smoke is unwanted.  You’ll notice that each suggestion is labeled with an element or elements.  There’s just…

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