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Good Witches Homestead

Moldavite is a translucent green meteoric gem, found only in what is now the Czech Republic. Lately, there have been other green tektites or imitations that are called “moldavite,” but only the Czech Moldavite is the “real thing.” It is classed with the mysterious group of glassy objects called tektites, and it is believed to have fallen from the sky only once, about 14.8 million years ago. Prized by humans for tools and amulets some 25,000 years ago.

Moldavites are rare stones. Moldavites are among the most powerful gemstone tools for spiritual development and expansion of consciousness. They seem to engender an acceleration of one’s inner growth and evolution. Hundreds of times people have described to us the rapid transformation of their lives which has come soon after they acquired Moldavite. Jobs, relationships, lifestyles or possessions which did not serve their highest paths were rapidly released, and the new, evolutionary…

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Straight from the Horse's Heart

Source:  PEER (Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility)

Map of Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests

Two Horses and a Mule Died of Dehydration in Arizona’s Apache-Sitgreaves Forest

Washington, DC — An attempt to criminally prosecute U.S. Forest Service employees for acts of cruelty to animals resulting in the death of two horses and a mule has been dropped, according to court records posted today by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER).  The dismissals followed an assertion of federal sovereign immunity in order to block prosecution in state court.

More than most federal agencies, the U.S. Forest Service uses horses and mules in its daily operations. Consequently, care and maintenance of equine livestock is an important duty on many national forests.

But there was a major breakdown of those responsibilities on the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona.  In May of 2016, two horses (named Snip and Diesel) and a mule (named Little Bit) were…

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Ozark Encyclopedia – D – Dittany

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Record-Keeper Crystals

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Good Witches Homestead

Record-Keeper crystals have a very unique energy, matched only by their unusual appearance.

These crystals can be identified by the appearance of raised or sunken “record-keeper” triangles on the faces of the crystal.  The record-keepers are typically formed when mineral-rich solution flowed over protrusions on the surface of the crystal point.  They are normally found on only a few of the crystal faces (not all) and they show the direction of the fluid flow as the geologic event that formed them was occurring.  Although most commonly found in minerals of the Quartz group (i.e. Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Amethyst, Citrine, etc.), record-keepers are also sometimes present in the Corundum group (i.e. Ruby and Sapphire stones).

Many intuitive and healers believe that these record keeper triangles can use to access information that’s been stored within the crystal.  Some people think that these represent data or information implants that are actually of…

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Are You Grounded? A Clairvoyant Technique

Featured Image -- 3791I’m always amazed at the number of people that ‘work’ in the spiritual realm that have no idea about grounding themselves.

Salem's House

Being grounded is that feeling you get when you walk barefoot on dewy green grass, sensing the breeze tickle your skin and the deepness of your chest expanding with every inhale. It is the feeling common to children, one of connectedness to the awe and wonder of simply being.

In an age where we find ourselves buffering our true existence with technology, the consequences run deep. You could experience everything from chronic crankiness, mental fatigue, and poor memory to lacking inspiration for a project or motivation for mundane tasks.

Ok, great, but that does seem pretty general in nature. Right? I mean…

You’re right! We will be dedicating plenty of content on chakras, energy healing, grounding techniques, psychic development, being an empath and how to cope. For now, I want to enable you to have the ability to know when you’re grounded and, if you’re not, get reconnected. And that…

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United Plant Savers – The Future of Ginseng and Forest Botanicals

Source: United Plant Savers – The Future of Ginseng and Forest Botanicals


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Good Witches Homestead

They are tools for empowerment, for blessings, for prosperity, for love, for healing, for creating a sacred space, and much more. They can be used for any intention, from the simple goal of “bring more money” to the more serious, “banish this curse” to the great goal of “heal the planet”. Whatever your intention, the crystal grid is an effective use of crystal energy when done with your clean intention.

A grid is formed by making a geometric pattern with crystals, which can be tumbled stones or natural rough stones. The pattern can be any design you like – a Star of David which is the most popular, a Reiki symbol, a pentagram or another symbol of your choosing.

A basic grid consists of 4, 5, 6, or 7 stones – 1 in the center and the rest making the design. To charge and empower your grid you can use…

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Alchemy of Fermentation Workshop | Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism

    Valerie Blankenship, RH, AHG has over 24 years experience in the herbal field as a clinician, formulator, medicine maker and educator. She is

Source: Alchemy of Fermentation Workshop | Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism