Crystal Healing for Pandemic Fatigue /

First off: what is pandemic fatigue?

“It’s a very real feeling of exhaustion stemming from the effects of the novel coronavirus on your life — from stay-at-home orders to the fear of getting ill to losing jobs…Wrestling with intense emotions day after day drains your energy, causing pandemic fatigue.
The hallmark sign of pandemic fatigue is a sense of inner weariness.” –  uclahealth • July 7, 2020

If you’ve been feeling any of the following, or if it’s been more intense these past few months, you’re likely experiencing pandemic fatigue:

  • uncertainty
  • despair
  • chronic high-level stress
  • burnout
  • sore eyeballs
  • loneliness
  • exhaustion
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • sleeplessness
  • hopelessness

It is not an exaggeration to say that 2020 has been a life-altering, world-changing year.

While understandably there has been heavy emphasis on physical health and safety measures, there must also be heavy emphasis on the mental + emotional toll of the pandemic (including our economic and social responses to it), and the impact that is having on our overall mental health and emotional well-being.

“As the pandemic worsens, and disruptions to daily life worsen, mental health professionals need to be prepared for an increase in mental health and substance abuse problems.” – Research brief from the Parenting in Context Research Lab, U Michigan, March 31, 2020

The shutdowns taught us that the reality of our daily lives could dramatically change, and quickly. This paradigm shift intensified the focus on the climate change crisis, and also a badly needed wake-up call in terms of racism and the systemic racism entrenched in our societies.

The conversation became about education, awareness, expansion of consciousness, and mindfully co-creating a better world and future.

But here’s the thing my friends: it’s easy to give up and stop caring, or stop fighting, when you’re tired.

The stressors introduced, or heightened, by this pandemic have hit people hard, especially for those on the lower-end of the social and economic scale:

  • fears of getting sick, job/income loss, of not being able to pay bills
  • greater levels of overall uncertainty
  • increased responsibilities of caregiving, child care, and education, which has required extra multi-tasking to the point of overwhelm
  • loneliness and isolation, especially for the marginalized and elderly
  • disruption of regular routines including diet, exercise, and sleep

The concern is that all of this will push us collectively to a mental health breaking point – but it doesn’t have to, we can find healthy ways to respond that will help pull us, our families, and our communities through, better and stronger!

Response is a key word here: response belies a feeling of consideration, wisdom, and empowerment. It’s a choice, as opposed to reactions that are often triggered by our wounded or fearful selves.

Our reaction to any of the above stressors or symptoms of pandemic fatigue may be to isolate, self-medicate, binge, overeat, attack, go into denial, feel extra sensitive or vulnerable, or criticize.

Please don’t judge yourself if you have experienced any of these reactions recently – at least now you may have a greater understanding as to why, and I have outlined below some healthier coping practices you can put in place to support yourself.

Read original article at: Krista Mitchell ~ Crystal Healing for the Pandemic

A Framework for Land Healing

The Druid's Garden

Ginseng my family grew American ginseng in our sanctuary

In the next few months, the forest that I grew up in is going be cut and torn up to put in a septic line.  A 40-60 feet path, at minimum, will rip a tear through the heart of it. This is the forest where I grew up, where my parents and I have created a refugia garden, a wildlife sanctuary, and native woodland plant sanctuary.  It is just heartbreaking to tend land carefully, only now, to have this awful thing happen that we have failed to stop. This is the forest that taught me so many of these lessons of land healing. The forest had just gotten to a point where it was once again vibrant, where the ramps started to creep back in, and the mature forest trees now stand, growing above the stumps that have rotted away. I feel powerless, knowing…

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5 Amazing Benefits of Crystals for Moms

by Jaime Pfeffer, MA, CCR from

5 Amazing Benefits of Crystals for Moms

Mothers are amazing.

From teacher and caregiver to advocate, chauffeur and referee, a mother’s ability to juggle multiple schedules, tasks, and personalities is no small feat.

Luckily, today’s moms have a variety of options when it comes to replenishing their needs, staying balanced, and growing with their families. One such resource, healing crystals, are at the top of that list.

Much like the multi-talented, incredible moms they assist, gems and crystals come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes – each with special benefits.

Here are five of my top crystal benefits for moms, along with some crystal recommendations for each:

Crystal Benefit for Moms #1: Love. There is perhaps no greater characteristic that a mother needs or gives than love. From baby’s first boo-boo to teen squabbles to everything in between, love’s potent, powerful energy serves mom’s needs, too. When it comes to tapping into crystals for loving energy, Rose QuartzKunzite, and Morganite are classic choices.

Crystal Benefit for Moms #2: More Peace. If mom suffers from a busy mind, a cluttered home, or occasional overwhelming feelings, there are several crystals available to lend her some peace. Blue Calcite and Howlite work to calm energies, while Aventurine clears the mind during chaos or upheaval. On a related front, Hematite and Smoky Quartz are effective at releasing stagnancy and protecting against negative energies.

Crystal Benefit for Moms #3: Better Balance. Most people know how much today’s moms have on their plates. Given that, what better benefit than a few crystals to help even things out? To bring more equilibrium into one’s life, reach for Shiva Lingham and Mahogany Obsidian to ground and balance yin and yang energies. If emotional stability is lacking, Lepidolite, Lithium Quartz, and Sunstone are great bets.

Crystal Benefit for Moms #4: Patience. Whoever said, “Patience is a Virtue”, was definitely on to something; just ask any mom. Fortunately, today’s matriarchs can receive a helping hand in this department from several members of the crystal family. Dumortierite and Black Onyx, for example, enhance tolerance and self-restraint, while Picture Jasper and Pietersite help Mom rise above pettiness and obstacles.

Crystal Benefit for Moms #5: Strength. Whether chasing down a toddler or watching her first-born get married, most moms can benefit from added physical and emotional strength. Top picks for staying physically fit and in shape include ApatiteTiger Iron, and Pyrite. For emotional strength and support, RubyTiger Eye, and Sapphire make the grade.

Like the women they assist, crystals are multi-talented and amazing. They serve mothers in a variety of ways, from boosting love and peace to achieving balance, and building patience and strength.

Crystal Blessings,
Jaime Pfeffer

Chakra Cleansing and Balancing

Good Witches Homestead

Balancing our energy centers (chakras) can support us in our lives in so many ways.

Chakra is the Sanskrit word for “wheel,” referring to the various energy centers in the body. As we move through life we find ourselves at different places on the wheel so understanding the power we hold in each energy center teaches us where we get stuck. Energy blocks can keep us from feeling grounded, connected to our personal courage, expressing our creativity, following our heart, speaking our truth, listening to our inner voice, or connecting to our higher self.

It is through our five senses that we experience the world and each chakra bath is created to activate each of your nervous systems sensory organs; sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste. Taking time for ritual, to be still with ourselves fully (body, mind, and spirit), is sacred. In today’s we are pulled in so many…

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The Zeal Chakra

Good Witches Homestead

The Zeal Chakra (also referred to as “The Mouth of God” or “The Well of Dreams”) is located at the back of the neck and the base of the skull, where there is an indention. It is an ancient chakra that has been dormant but is now beginning to awaken. Its color ray is magenta. When it is fully activated, this center will regulate multi-dimensional telepathic communication. Awakening the Zeal Chakra assists the kundalini in rising, and you experience an increase in clairvoyance, clairaudience, astral travel, vivid dream recall, healing abilities, empathy, and telepathy. It is also known as the ascension chakra, and I love that it is coming online for so many right now. If you have been experiencing strange sensations in this area or tension in your neck and shoulders, it might be a result of your Zeal Chakra beginning to awaken.  Not much is written about crystals…

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Awakening Your Third Eye

Good Witches Homestead


The Third Eye chakra, aka the sixth chakra, is located between the eyebrows on the forehead and connects us to our visualizations, deep inner wisdom, and truth. It represents our deepest consciousness and guidance. The sixth chakra allows clairvoyance, the ability to see clearly, and imagination while tapping into our psychic abilities. It is the point in which we perceive, store, create, and project on ourselves and those around us – it is, essentially, a gateway to the Soul.

In the center of your forehead, you can imagine your Third Eye to be open, clear and ready to receive what it is the world around you is showing you. However, during times of experiencing…

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The 12 Chakra’s

Good Witches Homestead

You may be familiar with the 7 major chakras of the human body. But did you know that some chakra systems count 12 or more chakras? In order to enhance your understanding of the energy body, it is essential to know your 12 chakras. Familiarity with the 12 chakra system adds depth, context, and appreciation for your understanding of how chakras work and how to best balance energies in your life.


The idea of a 12 chakra system is considered relatively new. As much as one may appreciate simplicity in learning about the chakras, there is no unique or unified understanding of the 12-chakra system to this day.  The knowledge about the 12 chakras mostly comes from modern perspectives expressed by contemporary healers and energy workers.

Put simply, there are 2 main types of configurations presented in modern healing schools of thoughts: The 12 chakras are located either both inside and…

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The Heart Chakra

Good Witches Homestead

The Heart chakra is the fourth chakra. Located at the center of the chakra system, it bridges the spiritual and the earthly chakras. It is associated with the many expressions of love, compassion, and relating to others and oneself. The function of the Heart chakra is driven by the principle of connection and integration.

Heart chakra meaning

The fourth chakra is referred to as:

  • Heart chakra
  • Anahata
  • Hritpankaja
  • Dbadasjadala

The most common Sanskrit name for the Heart chakra is “Anahata”, which means “unstuck”.

This chakra is related to the element of air. As such, its energy is particularly associated with the breath and its movements, as well as the idea of connection with all things.

Heart chakra color

The Heart chakra is most commonly represented by the color green. The auric color of heart chakra energy can also be seen as a smoky pink.

Heart chakra symbol

The symbol of…

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By Krista Mitchell

Crystal Fire Ritual /

What are you ready to let go?

As we near the end of the calendar year, this is a big and important question.


Because no matter how this past year went for you (stellar, some hits / some misses, total clunker), this next year represents an opportunity to go bigger and better, achieve more goals, or have a fresh start.

And while many of us focus on what we intend to attract, create or achieve in the new year, not as many contemplate what they’re willing to release in order to create space for their dreams, opening the road to success.

So far in this year-end series we’ve cut cords to past relationships, and unblocked our inner resistance to positive change. Now, we’re ready to release what’s inside that no longer serves, and open the road.


Grounding Essentials

Though some people are too grounded (raises hand), there seems to be more that need all the reminders they can get, so … Here’s one.

by Kat Michaels CCT,ACM 

Grounding is a foundational yet often overlooked area of spiritual and psychic development. Those who are ungrounded can appear spacy or disconnected from their environments. They may experience dizziness, confusion, and memory trouble. By not taking the appropriate measures to stay connected to the Earth and to reality, ungrounded individuals lose touch with their physical senses and allow their spiritual senses to take over. This becomes a huge issue once leaving meditation or a healing session to return to the physical world. It’s important to remain grounded during meditation and other spiritual work, too, so that one can properly absorb and integrate spiritual information.

Easy ways to ground oneself include drinking water, eating root vegetables, or hugging a tree. Exploring nature, walking barefoot outside, and gardening are other great options. Archangels Michael and Metatron are able to help ground and/or keep one grounded (just remember that one must request their help to receive it!). Visualization and certain crystals also work extremely well for grounding. Whatever grounding method is chosen, it’s best to employ it as a daily practice.

For a grounding visualization, imagine that your feet are connected to the Earth with roots. The roots can be made of any natural material that resonates – they can be cords of light, actual tree roots, or lines of metal or stone. You may wish to do a short meditation to determine the best intuitive “grounding roots” for yourself. Set the intention that all is done in your highest and best interest and in the highest and best interest of all.

Most brown, black, and red stones will ground and will provide a feeling of physical stability and safety. Specific crystals and stones for grounding include the following:

Agate (all types), Black TourmalineBrown Tourmaline (dravite), CopperHematiteJasper (all types), Petrified WoodPyriteRed Tiger EyeShungite and Smokey Quartz.

To work with any of these, place the crystal or stone in your pocket during the day, or hold it in your receptive hand during meditation. Your receptive hand is generally your non-dominant hand, but check, as it varies by individual. You may also choose to wear the stones in jewelry or sleep with one underneath your pillow.