A Druid’s Primer on Land Healing: A Healing Grove of Renewal

The Druid's Garden

Reishi growing from a stump! Reishi growing from a stump in my sacred forest

Many years ago, I shared the story of the “mystery of the stumps“, which was my path into druidry. I grew up spending all my days in a forest that was rich, full, and bountiful.  When I was 14, that forest was logged.  My heart broke, and afterward, I tried to enter the forest but it was horrible: downed trees everywhere, so much damage, so many friends that had been cut and taken away.  I thought the forest would never heal.  I withdrew not only from nature, but from my spirit and creative gifts, and spent a time in numbness and mourning–a period that lasted almost 10 years. I didn’t return to the forest till I was 24.  When I finally went back in, so much had changed–the land was regrowing.  Large thickets of birch, blackberry, and cherries were…

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What are Secret Societies Worshipping?

Crystal Grid for Gratitude

by Jenn Lynn from Feather Spirit Crystal Healing

Crystal Grid for Gratitude by Jenn Lyn

Making a crystal grid for gratitude is a special way to show appreciation for the blessings you have received as well as promoting a sense of love and thankfulness. While holding the intention of gratitude, you can place any crystals in the grid and even incorporate gifts from the Earth as well. Your gird can be set up in your personal sacred space or even a family room to enhance feelings of gratitude and positivity during social gatherings.

For my grid, I chose to include the following stones:

  • Green Aventurine (Heart Chakra): Develops deeper understanding and appreciation of nature; Brings positivity, new growth and opportunities; Assists with embracing change; Symbolizes luck and abundance.
  • Rose Quartz (Heart Chakra): Promotes a strong energy of love and appreciation; Opens our Heart Chakra to receive all forms of love and enables us to send that love and gratitude out into the Universe.
  • Botswana Agate (Root Chakra): Reminds us to be genuine in our lifestyle and have compassion; Brings in universal energies to promote unconditional love; Provides balance and stability; Shifts our focus to the “big picture” and allows us to appreciate what truly matters.
  • Rhodochrosite (Heart Chakra): Represents selfless love and compassion; Enhances optimism and encourages positive attitude; Aids us with recognizing the “silver lining” and being grateful for blessings in disguise.
  • Apatite (Throat Chakra): Promotes positive expressions of gratitude; Reminds us to focus on what we have in the present moment and to not be distracted by the past or the future.
  • Clear Quartz (all Chakras): Amplifies intention and energy.
  • Heart Shaped Petrified Wood (Root Chakra): Connection to the Earth; Enhances deep roots and stability; Symbolizes love and gratitude for Mother Earth and all of her blessings.

I also chose to incorporate gifts from the Earth to symbolize connection to Ancestors (tree stump grid base), potential & abundance (acorns), growth & renewal (leaves/greenery) and Enlightenment (pinecones).

Crystal Grid for Gratitude by Jenn Lynn

Take a few moments each day to sit with your gratitude grid and reflect on your blessings, big and small. Spread love and appreciation to not only the loved ones in your life, but the universal energies that connect us all.

Crystal Blessings,

Jenn Lyn, CCH
Certified Crystal Healer

An American Ley Line Network: A Ritual of Creation

by The Druid’s Garden

The Druid's Garden

This past weekend, we had a delightful time at the 2nd OBOD Mid Atlantic Gathering of US(or MAGUS). It was a wonderful weekend full of positive energy, community, and celebration of the land. I was involved heavily in the ritual planning and work this year and was the gathering’s keynote speaker, and we once again did a Galdr ritual (a chanting ritual) using Ogham (sacred trees). This year’s theme was “Sacred Time, Sacred Space” and as part of this work, we decided to re-enchant the land by establishing a new ley line network. We are co-creating a new ley line network across the land.

Motherstone at Four Quarters Interfaith Sanctuary Motherstone at Four Quarters Interfaith Sanctuary

The overall goal of this ritual was to re-enchanting our landscape, connecting sacred spaces and creating sacred spaces across the landscape, and connecting our broader druid community. The work involves empowering, connecting, and eventually, dispersing a set of stones…

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Diary of a Land Healer: March/April

by The Druid’s Garden

The Druid's Garden

Mid-March - Crocus in the Snow Mid-March – Crocus in the Snow

The landscape waits, with bated breath, for the warmth to finally arrive. The last two months have been unseasonably cold, and the longer that time passes, more anticipation is present in the air. The plants and buds swell, but are unwilling to come out while the temperatures still go into the teens at night. At Imbolc, Punxsutawney Phil, our local divination oracle, predicted six weeks of winter, but in truth, winter has turned from 6 weeks more, to 12 weeks more, and now almost to 18. Just two days ago, the weather broke, and it seems that spring is finally in the air. Here at the homestead, we are all growing weary. Each morning, my cat Acorn runs to the door, ready to go outside and explore.  When I open the door for her, a breath of cold air hits her face and…

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Sacred Landscapes, Part IV: Sacred Time, Sacred Space

by The Druid’s Garden

The Druid's Garden

A woodburned sign bidding druids to enter a sacred space A woodburned sign bidding druids to enter a sacred space

“This is sacred time, this is sacred space.” At the end of the opening of every OBOD ritual, this powerful statement is made.  But what does “sacred time, sacred space” really mean? What is “the sacred” and how do we know it?  What is sacred in the context of American Druidry, where we do not have an abundance of ancient stone circles or accessible sacred sites? In this post, I want to spend some time today thinking about the ways we might enact the sacred in our own lives and lands as part of building sacred landscapes and re-enchanting our land.

In my first post in this series, I talked about the “disenchantment” of the world through industrialization and the rise of a religious tradition that did not acknowledge the land as sacred. And truly, a disenchanted worldview–where…

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Sacred Landscapes, Part III: Ley Lines and the Energy of the Earth

by The Druid’s Garden

The Druid's Garden

Over the last two weeks, we’ve been exploring the idea of re-enchanting the world. Two weeks ago, I introduced the idea of re-enchantment through a discussion Max Weber’s claims that the world has been “disenchanted” by industrialization. Re-enchanting, then, is potential work that we as druids and earth-centered spiritual people might do. If we want to do this re-enchantment, however, we need to draw upon and better understand the ways in which ancient humans created sacred landscapes. In last week’s post, we explored the historical understanding of “ley lines” and alignments on the earth to understand some of the physical tools that ancient humans worldwide used to enchant the world. Today’s post continues this discussion in a more metaphysical sense–understanding the more modern “ley line theory” as it applies to earth energy and considering the energetic work we might do.

Ley Lines as Energy

Line of stumps in January - strong telluric energy. Line of stumps in…

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Establishing Sacred Land, or, A Home-Coming

The Druid's Garden

There has been a lot of talk in the American druid scene in the last few years about establishing sacred spaces, creating sacred groves, and really staring to re-enchant our land here. I think druids and other earth-centered spiritual traditions around the world, particularly those living in places shaped by colonization, face these same challenges: how do we create our own sacred spaces? What does that look like?  I wrote earlier this year, for example, about Stones Rising at Four Quarters farm, and the raising of standing stones. A few years ago, I’ve also written a series on sacred sites in the US and how to build some sacred sites. This post continues those conversations.

White Oak by the Creek White Oak by the Creek

In my Stones Rising post, I talked about how establishing sacred spaces, as a community, was certainly an “American” challenge because of the history of colonialism and the…

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The Abundance Stone: Magicians Stone

Featured Image -- 3822

Good Witches Homestead

Here is a very interesting stone for you.

The “Abundance Stone” crystal is a beautiful multi-faceted star, creating a 4-fold symmetry, according to principles of sacred geometry, appearing within it. One can see other stars refracted within the star as well.

The equilateral cross symbolizes the Tetrahedron. The Tetrahedron, ( four-sided pyramid ) is the geometrical principle underlying many types of both organic and inorganic molecules, providing the microscopic structure of diamonds and of the amino acids that are the building blocks of all life-forms on planet Earth.

The numerous facets create a dynamic pattern establishing many energy channels that connect the owner to Source, to Earth, to each of the four directions and to help harmonize your energy field with the cosmic flow of energy pouring from the Mother Goddess present throughout all creation.

Crystals become a teaching aid for centering ourselves in our most beneficial position…

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