I lost a very dear friend a couple of weeks ago – my oldest and dearest friend.

For a child who was often bullied, abused, and rejected, her friendship was a safe haven and great blessing that was so deeply needed and cherished by me.

We’d been friends since the age of 13, and she was the one who first drew me onto the spiritual path and opened my mind and heart to mysticism.

There are kindred souls who weave themselves inextricably into the fabric of our lives – they join us on our path, and no matter how far some may stray, they never leave us.

Until they do.

I know many of us have lost people in the past year, and many more are carrying a sense of grief from all that has happened, and continues to happen, in this world.

In many ways grief in such a tender and sacred thing. We carry it with us like a fragile egg that breaks over and over again with a deep in-welling, and then outpouring, of pain and emotion.

Read original article at: Krista Mitchell ~ Crystal Healing Support for Loss & Grief


Creating Space for Spirit to Enter by Krista Mitchell /

I recently read an article in a health magazine about intermittent silence: a practice you can do in as little as 10 minutes per day to allow your mind to pause and rest.

You close your mouth and your eyes, and simply listen to the sounds around you while silently watching your thoughts.

This gives your brain a break from processing, thereby reducing the effects of overstimulation (including stress or feelings of overwhelm).
Researchers are now saying that this practice can play a significant role in improving our health, well-being, and spirituality.

This practice appealed to me for two reasons: One, it’s simple, no meditation skills required, and two, the stones have taught me that silence creates a space where Spirit can enter.

One of the core teachings shared by the stones in my recent Light Walker course was that, when we enter into a place of inner silence, we become grounded in the light of our soul and we open gateways to Spirit.

Spirit comes from the Latin spiritus, which means breath/spirit. In silence, we breathe, and Spirit enters us on the breath.

Energies and consciousness can move into a space of silence, within which we can then experience transformation, healing, or enlightenment.

It is an exceptionally powerful practice, one that helps bring us back into alignment with our true selves, and opens us up to the Universe and the Divine.

It also brings us into our sovereignty – in other words, back into our power.

So with intermittent silence, even if you just take 10 minutes to shut your brain down and breathe, you’re allowing Spirit to enter and you’re grounding in the light of your soul.

Read full article at: Krista Mitchell ~ Creating Space for Spirit to Enter: Crystals & Intermittent Silence


How to Reclaim Power from Your Shadow Self by Krista Mitchell.png

I often make mention of the shadow self here on my blog, and it’s the basis of a full module of training in my Pro Crystal Healer program, due to the immensely painful effect it has on our lives.

That being said, the shadow can be misunderstood or misrepresented as our inner villain, but it’s more closely defined as our wounded self, or wounded warrior.

It is a keeper of all the darker aspects and archetypes of our humanity.

It’s also a big part of what makes us human.

You could think of your shadow as your lower frequency or “lower vibe” self.

It’s the pain, the doubts, the sorrows, the fears, the regrets, the shames, the violence, the hatred, the envy, and the resentments we carry with us through life, and it’s largely formed in our childhood (though we continue to add to it as adults).

Some people in the spiritual community try to inauthentically bypass their shadow selves, through forced positivity, spiritual superiority, or an imposed “love and light” sentimentality.

But the honest truth is that most human beings seek to bypass the shadow. That’s actually a part of the shadow self’s defense system – it wants to be in control, but it does not want to be exposed.

Read complete article at: Krista Mitchell ~ How To Reclaim Power From Your Shadow Self


Your Root is Evolving: Crystals to Help You Adapt + Thrive /

There was something I learned years ago when I was training as a healer: If the energy centre at your root (at the base of your spine) is out of balance, then everything else will end up out of balance, too.

This is because our root is the foundation of our health and well being.

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Our physical health, yes, but also

  • Our livelihoods, our families, our community relations.
  • Ability to remain grounded, centered, empowered.
  • To be resilient, to endure.
  • To feel safe, secure, provided-for, and strong.

When our root is balanced, we feel confident, capable of handling challenges/stress/obstacles, and optimistic.

Our needs are met, and we feel solid in our place in the world.

But when it’s not balanced:

  • We can feel blocked, afraid, or struggling.
  • We have weak energy, are fatigued and un-grounded, and have compromised immune systems.
  • We can isolate and self-neglect, or overcompensate and look for safety, security, or provision in others.
  • Hoarding, recklessness, aggression, conflict, and defensive behaviour can take hold (and we’ve been seeing A LOT of that in recent history).

If the root energy centre continues to function out of balance, that imbalance vibrates up through our energy system and starts to throw off our other energy centres, too.

Read full at: Krista Mitchell ~ You Root is Evolving! Crystals to Help You Adapt + Thrive


How to Trust + Follow Spirit with Crystal Allies /

Times of great challenge are also times of great reclaiming:

Reclaiming our feelings of resilience, personal power, faith, magic, and healing wisdom.

Reclaiming old ways while adopting new.

Reclaiming our sense of purpose, and conviction in what truly matters.

It is often in times of challenge or recovery that we turn more deeply to Spirit – for guidance, understanding, support.

One could argue that it’s a sign of spiritual evolution when one turns more deeply to Spirit in times of ease, thriving, without need for overcoming great challenge.

One could also argue that we are always facing some great challenge, in one form or another, as we turn each bend in the labyrinth of our lives.

To me, Spirit encompasses many things: God/dess, the consciousness of the stones, ethereal spirits, nature spirits, spirit guides, spirits of the departed, our own spirits or souls.

It’s through being able to deeply listen to my own spirit, my own voice + truth, and that of my Guidance that has gently yet powerfully steered me through some of the hardest challenges in my life.

But I know from my own experience, and that which I witness in others, that being able to truly listen to + follow our own voice and Spirit can be a challenge in and of itself.

How do you listen deeply? How do you hear Spirit? How do you trust what you’re hearing enough to follow?

My friends: I know it takes an enormous amount of courage to surrender and follow Spirit, to say yes to the truth of your soul.

Many of us are neither conditioned nor encouraged to listen to anything other than outside authority.

But when we do take the time to listen to ourselves, to follow the guidance of Spirit, we tend to be richly rewarded.

Read original article at: Krista Mitchell ~ How to Trust & Follow Spirit

New Moon in Pisces | Entering the Planting Moon

A new moon marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of another 28-day cycle.The Pisces new moon on Saturday, March 13th marks the beginning of the Planting Moon cycle.The Planting Moon cycle holds the energy of spring, rebirth and preparation. During this cycle we will experience the Spring Equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere.

New Moon in Pisces | Entering the Planting Moon | Spirit de la Lune

As the earth wakes up from it’s winter slumber, you might feel the rekindling of your own own inner flame stir back to life during this cycle.

This new moon is a very intuitive and psychic one, and to be honest, this entire cycle you might notice your intuition is sharpened and your dreams are more vivid. Get your dream journal ready. It might also be a good idea to keep a journal with you for spiritual insights or symbols you might get during waking hours too!

Spirit de la lune Crystals for the New Moon Planting Moon Cycle

The planting moon cycle is an intuitive but productive one! Be prepared to plant a lot of seeds and get a lot done, but remember pace yourself and prioritize your focus so you can finish everything.

Read the original article at: Spirit de la Lune ~ New Moon In Pisces | Entering The Planting Moon


Crystal Healing for Gaslighting: Signs, Support, and Recovery /

The unfortunate truth is that, though the term “gaslighting” was a relatively new one for me in recent years, my experience of it has been lifelong.

“Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or group, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgment.” – Wikipedia

It’s an insidious form of abuse because it can often start off subtly and build over time, and while it may happen most often in intimate relationships, it can also be experienced in parent-child relationships, the workplace, doctor’s offices, politics, and institutions.

It can rob survivors of their sense of self, their authentic voice, and keep them from trusting their intuition because they are being repeatedly caused to doubt themselves, feel shame, feel inferior, less intelligent, unreliable, or less credible than the abuser.

Many survivors even come to question their sanity. And it can also lead the way to other forms of abuse, including physical and sexual.

Read entire article at: Krista Mitchell ~ Crystal Healing for Gaslighting: Signs, Support & Recovery

Gemstones for Love – Our magnificent 7 Gems of the Heart

Good Witches Homestead

Are you looking for love or trying to mend a broken heart? In a new relationship or in the middle of a life-long love story? We have the gemstones for you.

Source: Gemstones for Love – Our magnificent 7 Gems of the Heart

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Crystal Healing for the Solstice: Beginnings & Endings

Crystal Healing for the Solstice: Beginnings and Endings /

Can you feel the energy building?

It’s been building through this month, having increased in momentum after the new moon solar eclipse on the 14th.

Whether you’re in the northern or southern hemisphere a climax will be reached on the solstice: the darkest night or the longest day. A transition point. Cycles and patterns beginning and ending.

Cultures and faiths the world over have been celebrating this day since ancient times. And while you can apply any practices or notions, ceremonies or beliefs, based on where you come from and what you espouse, if you tune in to the energy and observe nature, there’s no denying the power of this day.

According to many ancient calendars the solstice was observed on the 25th day of December, and it marked the new year.

In the north, it marked the turning point where the sun, in its weakest phase, would be reborn and slowly begin to wax again. It heralded the promising return of light, life, and warmth.

In the south, it marked the height of the sun’s power and the zenith of life force – a time of magic and ceremony – before its power begins to wane.

While in times past I’ve looked forward to my solstice ceremonies and traditions with excitement, this year I feel more contemplative. I’m reflecting on what we’ve been through, and on all those who did not make it through 2020. I’m also reflecting on how we all responded – it was a mix of intense extremes.

While there are those who profited, I see this largely as a year of loss. But loss, in and of itself, is also a healing and growth process.

This is something the ancients have always understood: it’s all a part of the cycle of life.

Loss is an ending but also a beginning. It’s up to us to find what can be gained from losing.

Read original article at: Krista Mitchell ~ Crystal Healing for the Solstice

How To Work With Alchemy Crystal For Transformation

Alchemy was the ancient predecessor of our modern science of chemistry, and was practiced in secret for thousands of years in ancient China, Egypt and Greece, right up to medieval France and England.In crystal healing the approach to alchemy is figurative, meaning turning lead (our wounds, shadow selves, illness) to gold (light, consciousness, health).When we do energy clearings with crystals, we are transmuting lower, harmful frequencies into higher frequencies of light and harmony.It’s a form of energy alchemy – as we heal and grow, we transform. Whether or not life is prolonged can be debated, but it is certainly enriched.If you’re looking to create significant change in your life, yourself, or your world, you can work with alchemy stones to help initiate or effect powerful inner and outer transformation.
Find out which crystals are the alchemy stones + how to work with them!
Eclipse season, which generally invites more change + upheaval, is capping off what has already been a dramatically challenging year.

But there’s no need to worry or fear, there are spiritual ways you can navigate this eclipse season with alignment and mastery.

In this video I guide you through a transformational crystal healing practice with quartz, labradorite, and smoky quartz, to help you attune to higher frequencies, come into alignment with divine cosmic energy, and walk your path of mastery with wisdom and grace.