It’s ok to not feel ok right now. Or to have good days and bad.

You don’t need to have this handled. To be a grounded god/dess. To be riding the wave of this energy like a MF.

Healers, especially, can put themselves under a lot of pressure to be self-sufficient. To show up for others, first. To be the light.

I know my tribe ❤️. And I know that most of you in this community are healers in one way, or another.

I’ve had days where I’ve broken down or lost my sh**. And I’ve had to go through it, to honor the feelings. I’ve also needed that blessed release.

But maybe you’re in a situation where you can’t do that, or maybe not right now. Or you really do have to show up for others first, and be the light.

It’s still ok to not be ok.

We all need healing in so many ways, and there will be time for that, but here are some core crystals that can support you right now.

Note the word SUPPORT. This isn’t about making the feelings go away. The feelings are not wrong or accidental. And you are not bad or weak for feeling them, or for having trouble coping.

For those of you who don’t have the time (or headspace) to read a long blog post, I’ve got them listed in a short summary right here:

Crystals for When You're Not OK / rose quartz /

Rose quartz: for soothing and to receive love. Hold it in your receptive hand or wear it over your heart chakra.

Read the original article at: Krista Mitchell ~ Crystals For When You’re not OK


Celestite: A Healing Ritual for Divine Intervention /

Celestite is a strontium sulfate crystal whose fragility belies its majestic healing power.

Its name derives from the Latin “heavenly”.

We work with celestite a LOT in my Pro Crystal Healer program to help reduce inflammation, accelerate healing, and to deepen our exploration and development of our spiritual selves.

In meditation it helps connect us with the “something more” that we all are, and its high frequency vibrations opens divine channels that can help lead us on our soul path, discover our life purpose, and embody more of our higher potential.

It resonates with the heart, throat, 3rd eye, and crown chakras.

March Birthstone: Not just Aquamarine you have another choice!

Good Witches Homestead

Aquamarine, the March birthstone, is a bluish-green stone that gets its name from aqua marinus, the Latin for “seawater”.

This is in reference to the tranquil blue color of the gemstone, which has made it a favorite gem among celebrities, royalty and everyone in between.

The natural deep blue-tinted aquamarines are the rarest and most highly prized.

Chemically, aquamarine is a type of beryl, the same mineral group as morganite and emerald, and is characterized by expansive six-sided crystals that can grow to be as long as a foot. This makes aquamarine an ideal gemstone for producing large carat pieces that, when faceted or polished, make exceptional statements.

Another significant aspect of aquamarine that makes it so valuable is that it is often eye clean (visually flawless), given that there are rarely inclusions that can be seen with the naked eye, and it has fewer fractures than emerald. Moreover…

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Crystal Healing Our Relationship to Wealth & Healing For Being Overwhelmed

By Krista Mitchell

Tiger Eye: Healing Our Relationship to Wealth

“Wealth is many things. We give it a numerical value, but that’s just a number, not a feeling.

What is wealth?

Safety, love, health, friendships, joy… the list goes on!

How did we warp wealth?

By losing touch with its true meaning, its true joy.

Take a moment to connect with me, and as you do my energy can ignite your solar plexus [chakra].

Joy, nourishment, feeling the cool solid structure of a tabletop – all of these things are wealth.

This week, celebrate your wealth in small, simple ways.

Reclaim for yourself the love, light, and beauty of this frequency.

Feel it replenish your soul.”

Tiger eye is a stone of prosperity, grounding, balance, and protection. Its frequency is that of joy. It says: “Connect with joy, and the rest is easy.” Let this be your mantra this week.

Crystal Healing For Overwhelm

I’m kind’a over feeling overwhelmed!

I tend to take on too much, which is something I’m still working on in my own personal healing process.

Sometimes it’s what my guidance calls “Go time”, where there’s a lot upgrading, downloading, and shifting simultaneously, and it’s a matter of taking it on and getting it done.

And sometimes, a whole barrel of shit just seems to hit all at once! And it’s duck and cover and cope as best you can.

I imagine everyone who’s reading this has experienced all three.

I feel like I’ve experienced all three this year, and it’s only the end of February!

While we can point to the moons, eclipses, stars, or our shadows as the culprits, overwhelm seems to have become a way of life for too many people.

Crystals can’t magically fix this, but they can help provide the energy support we need to ride these times out as best we can.

I’ve got two suggestions here for you: one is a combo you can wear on a daily basis for support, the second is a crystal healing session you can provide for yourself within the comfort of your own home.

Read original article at:  Krista Mitchell ~ Crystal Healing For Wealth and Being Overwhelmed.

Clearing Space for the New; New Moon in Aquarius…

Good Witches Homestead

Today, January 24th, we have a New Moon in Aquarius @ 1:42 pm PST (4:42 pm EST). This is our first New Moon of the Year and can help us to set the tone of our year, and even our new decade. Tomorrow, January 25th, we celebrate the Year of the Rat ~ the Rat is the first zodiac sign of the Chinese Calendar and so we have a lot of new beginnings this year of 2020. Rat is yang energy and represents the beginning of a new day. The Rat Year is a time to develop your abilities, to think out of the box and to be resourceful and creative. The metal element signals renewed ambition and a desire to fulfill unmet needs. And during a Rat Year, you are encouraged to take care of yourself and not worry about others.

Aquarius Moon energy is…

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Garnet Information – Much more to it than flaming reds

Good Witches Homestead

“The garnet is a red gem, but not like the ruby, its red is much more like that of a flame … It forms far in the east … If correctly cut and polished it will reveal all its beauty and perfection.”

Aristotle wrote this about garnets over 2000 years ago but our love and admiration for this gemstone continue to this day and we have discovered there are more to this gem than just a flaming red.

Garnets are the ‘modern family’ in the gemstone world. Not for them a simple chemical formation with one or two impurities to give a bit of color, no this is the gem family with lots of chemical half-brothers, mineral step-sisters, long lost crystal cousins and strange geologic uncles.

This group of closely related minerals has given us a variety of gemstones that appear in almost every color, most often and most famously…

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Create Your Own Personal Haven—Anywhere

Good Witches Homestead

Stress! It’s the scourge of our contemporary society. And the thought of retiring to a safe haven where you can banish stress, repair your nerves, and renew your life is a concept whose time has come. Creating a personal sanctuary, whether it be in a bedroom, bathroom, patio, garden, or the Great Outdoors, seems to be a cherished goal for many of us stressed-out people.

But how to go about fashioning such a retreat? What elements are required, and can you do it in a limited space and on a tight budget? These questions and many others form the contents of my book, A Sanctuary of Your Own. Perhaps you’ve read books, visited websites, and watched TV programs dedicated to this subject. With wild enthusiasm, you’ve started designing your space, and you’re halfway there. But, somehow things aren’t quite gelling. So in this short article, I’ll distill some of…

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Crystals to Support Empaths During the Holidays

Crystal Support for Empaths During Holidays

To my fellow empaths, the chaotic and overwhelming vibes of the holiday season can be difficult to manage with a sensitive and reactive nervous system.

For those get-togethers that we sometimes dread attending, consider carrying Black Tourmaline as an energetic defense and grounding influence, Amethyst to help relax an overstimulated nervous system and to protect against psychic invasion, and Citrine to promote the confidence to socialize and a sense of generosity to give without attaching to any return.

Allow yourself to get into a pleasant observer mode by imagining positive energy flowing from your eyes into the room and even step away for some space when necessary, as small talk and group settings can burden and overstimulate an empath’s system. Selenite can help transmute and move any of the empathic transmissions that were absorbed by placing pieces in any areas you perceive discomfort, overwhelm, and even physical pain. Lepidolite can help calm an overstimulated nervous system, alleviate anxiety, and even promote restful sleep.

For those who are experiencing loneliness at this time, allow Malachite to support the release of heavy and intense emotions; Morganite to promote a state of gentle and unconditional self-love, deep peace, and joy; and Apache Tear to process grief, encourage forgiveness, and release emotional blocks to a feeling of connection.

Warmest wishes this holiday season,
Rachael Shaffer

Sapphire: The Corundum Conundrum

Good Witches Homestead

Blue Sapphire likely derives its name from the Sanskrit word sanipriya meaning “dear to the planet Saturn,” and is considered one of the few precious gemstones. By definition, a gemstone is a rare, beautiful and durable stone, and since Sapphire has a beautiful blue hue, a Mohs hardness of 9 out of 10 and no cleavage planes it is considered one of the most precious gemstones.
In addition to its physical traits, Sapphire has considered precious because of the belief that it makes one “favorable to God” according to the ancient Greek historian Damigeron and is said to protect against envy and regulate all bodily functions. A great stone for meditation, Blue Sapphire guides one in spiritual endeavors. Judy Hall states in The Crystal Bible that it “facilitates self-expression and speaking your truth.”
Did you know that Sapphire occurs in a rainbow of colors?

To provide some disambiguation Sapphire can occur in many colors and…

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All About Birthstones – GemSelect Newsletter September 2019 — Good Witches Homestead

What is a birthstone? A birthstone is a gemstone which has been designated to a specific month of the year, in some cases, there are multiple gemstones which can belong to one specific month; your birth month determines which gemstones apply to you. But a birthstone is more than that… it is a way for […]

via All About Birthstones – GemSelect Newsletter September 2019 — Good Witches Homestead