Introvert and Empath

By Elder Mountain Dreaming

How to Cope When You Feel Disconnected

This article struck a cord with me as I experienced the same thing after my hip replacement … Paula Cas

We all have moments when we feel a little bit off or just not quite in tune with our spirituality, intuition, or inner voice.  But what do we do when we feel completely disconnected for days or weeks at a time?

Unlike those small “off” moments, which can be triggered by relatively innocuous things like annoyance, brief lack of confidence, or just a plain old bad day, disconnection generally has larger roots.  Grief, depression, serious illness, surgery*, and new medications are all things that can and do vastly affect us on physical, emotional, and metaphysical levels.  But in these instances, knowing the cause isn’t necessarily helpful, as they are not circumstances that we can easily change.

So, what do we do?

The big answer—and the one I most often have trouble with—is patience.  Like any other mental or emotional blockage, very often it’s just something your body and mind have to work their way through.  But “be patient” is terrible advice, right?  You are already stressed, it’s like telling you to calm down.  So, here are a few things to try while you’re waiting:

Continue with routine as soon as possible
The causes that landed us in this state are also often things that disrupt our lives anyway.  The quicker that you can get back to some semblance of your “normal” life, the better.

Create new rituals
Whether you can continue with routine or not, maybe you need something new.  Here we want simple daily things that are not strenuous or time consuming.  Try something like ending each night writing down one thing that went well, or one thing you are grateful for.  Or lighting a candle for a cause that you believe in, or a person/people you’d like to help.

Practice meditation
In whatever way works for you (we have some tips on that).  If it allows you to feel something, great!  If not, hopefully it helps a bit with the relaxation you almost assuredly need.

Make time for fun
This one can be hard, I know.  But, as hokey as it sounds, your inner child does need a chance to roam.  And play is so important, for all creatures.  If you are physically able, a hike or even a short walk in nature can do wonders, and in the spirit of play I am rarely one to say no to a turn on a swing set.  You might also try having coffee or lunch with friends, or simply chatting on the phone or over text.  If being social isn’t your thing (or it’s too taxing due to the current situation), maybe you could splurge on a new book you’d been wanting to read, borrow a favorite from the library (e-books, looove), or veg out in front of the tv with that series you’ve been meaning to watch.

Don’t force it
Not yourself, nor any of these suggestions.   I can’t emphasize this enough.  Do. Not. Force. It.  You might be tempted to bargain or make deals—“If I do this every day, I’ll be back to normal a month and a day from now.”—don’t.  Added pressure will likely only make things worse.  We all heal at different rates and in different ways.  And as much as this might not feel like healing, I assure you, it is.

Remember that all things are cyclical.  You may feel lost, maybe even like you’ve veered off the path and cannot see a way through.  But if all of life is a circle, eventually the fog has to clear, and you will find your way back.


*For the sake of clarity, disclosure, and all of that soul-baring fun(?) stuff, here’s a bit of personal insight from Melankalia:

I had surgery two weeks ago.  For the first time.  Out-patient, all went as expected (barring something of a major panic-attack coming out of anesthesia, NOT fun), recovery, healing, and physical therapy are all going well.  All good things.

But I feel weird.  There are mobility issues, the pain meds are not quite agreeing with me, and my stamina is sort of laughable, but these are things I expected and accounted for.  What I did not expect was to feel so very disconnected metaphysically, and (somewhat) emotionally.  I don’t know if it’s the physical trauma of surgery, a sensitivity to the new foreign bodies embedded in my flesh, lingering effects of being flooded with various medications, or just some chaotic out-of-whack result of all of the above.  But I just don’t feel….right.  My intuition, the “voices in my head”, my connection to deities and to nature all feel muted.  And now I am just biding my time…and trying to take my own advice.

But, I know, or at least I believe, that in time I’ll be feeling more me again.  And if you’re reading this, and struggling, I believe that eventually you will be okay again, too.

Source: How to Cope When You Feel Disconnected | Witchery Wednesday

Make Mercury Retrograde Work For You

Mercury Retrograde Astrology TAra Greene

Do not fear or dread Mercury Retrograde. This popular nonsense about Mercury Retrograde being hellish, horrible and time to lock yourself away until it’s all over is all misguided and overwrought.

Mercury moves Retrograde on average about 1/3 of the year. We need to sleep 8 hours a day which is also 1/3 of our entire lives.  Nature always does everything in balance. Even though Mercury Retrograde is an apparent illusion, it appears real and the planets are also symbolic indicators for us to take our cues from. Mercury Retrograde is a natural time to rest whenever it occurs. All you drilled in non-stop worker drones need to chill …

Read the rest of the article at Tara Greene … Tarot Reader … Astrologer …

Magician Thoth Tara Tarot reader

Krones’ Kauldron Full Moon Valentine

Krone AngelFriday, February 14th at 10am est, Miss Paula of KDCL Media and Dia Nunez of The H20 Network welcome Lady Angelique to Krones’ Kauldron.

Lady Angelique is blessed, by grace, to have been born a Synesthete. It’s gifts and traits, take her into a distinct realm of 13 O’Klock. Woven within the crooks, crannies, and corners, of regular time. The ancients described it, poetically, as “twilight time, betwixt night and day”. Even as a little girl, her synesthesia senses allowed her to enter it’s manifold depth and breadth, within and without. Today, academia is researching the phenomenon of we synnies where “the intangible has become tangible”. For her, this gift is a wondrous ancestral blessing.

Lady Angelique wrote:

“On Friday. February 14, 2014, Valentines Day, I will interviewed by Miss MissPaula and Dia at 10 am on Krones’ Kauldron. It will be a mystical, fun-filled event, with insightful predictions for 2014 and how to empower your goals, prosperity, health, etc., with moxie mind. Also, we will discuss those star-crossed romances of yesteryear, how they follow us through time, and why they touch our hearts, so deeply? Please call in with your questions!


Krones'Michelle HouchensFriday, December 20th at 1:30pm eastern and 11:30 am mountain time, Michelle Houchens, The Mile Hi Psychic Medium will be visiting The Krones’s Kauldron hosted by Miss Paula of KDCL Media and Dia Nunez of The H20 Network.

A short excerpt from Michelle’s bio on her website:

Intuition is a funny thing.  Many families, schools lack methods in teaching a kid to trust their inner knowing and or the differences in how our senses work and provide this information.  My acute intuitive skills started in early childhood, around the age of five.  As a child, I was able to walk into a room and sense people’s feelings and thought processes.  To me this was normal.  Everyone can do this right? Some call it “déjà vu”.  For me it was simply overwhelming.  No one teaches a child how to handle knowing that your parents are going to get a divorce before they got one or that a family friend is a molester.  Hearing or sensing things that felt hurtful or threatening created a scenario that caused me to learn how to dim my senses, i.e. a lamp switch.  What people with high intuitive senses find out is that doing this seldom works.  So instead I learned how to verify information.  Several near death experiences proved to me that something far bigger than myself could literally stop cars and change the direction of my life.  I would hear, see and feel the energy around me that would guide me, whether into being awarded $10M sales contracts or to preventing me from walking into harmful situations.  My Soul longed for information.  Many mentors now peers provided this.  Ask and you will receive…

My skill set is as a clairaudient, clairvoyant, clairsentient and Energetic Practitioner allow me to access and work with the energetic information we call “Soul Fragments”.  Working with an individual’s “Innate Spirit” or their Being back to origin is my gift.

Using such resources, I have successfully provided my clients with a variety of services and assistances.  Many say that I have assisted them to find greater happiness, personal health, clear direction, financial abundance and increased knowledge of themselves, others and their life purpose on Earth.

Diviners’ Spotlight On Egun And Then Some…

Egun Diviners Papa NewtSunday, October 13th, 8pm eastern, KDCL Media Welcomes Papa Newt to The Diviners’ Spotlight on Egun And Then Some…

Originally raised in the Catholic faith, Papa Newt began his journey into magic and the occult at the early age of 11. Over the years of being self taught, and many trials and errors, Papa Newt continued his studies and providing services for close family, friends, and those who had learned of the help he has provided.

Certified in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP, and a graduate of the Hoodoo Correspondence Course by Catherine Yronwode. Through spirit, Papa Newt strives to help you conjure possibilities.

There will also be the astrology forecast for the week to come, and if the gods of wireless technology are kind, Oro may join us for a short howdy-do from Oregon gold camp.

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Krones’ Kauldron Welcomes Lady Angelique LaJing Ajamalleo

Angelique KronesJoin Miss Paula from KDCL Media and Dia Nunez from The H20 Network Friday, September 20th at 10am edt on the Krones’ Kauldron for a conversation with Lady Angelique.

Lady Angelique is a Synesthete psychic and heart healer, who experienced a deep deja vu awakening in mystical southern France. This opened the depth and breadth of her Keepsake Key into the Quantum Hour or 13 o’clock.  From there she deciphers your Signature Story where you are far more than a one life human.  13 O’Klock is woven within the crooks, crannies, and corners, of regular time. The ancients described it, poetically, as “twilight time, betwixt night and day”.

Academia worldwide, are researching the phenomenon, of synnies, where “the intangible has become tangible”. As for Lady Angelique, this gift is a wondrous ancestral blessing. Knowledge of it’s magical moxie, empowers you to bend and shape, your goals dreams quests, from within. That way, life’s stage of real make believe, becomes more supple and malleable. You also fathom, the Fable of You, archived inside this rich realm, of yesteryear. You gain insight into your astrological technology, of creative computer codes, masterful machinery and regal robotics, making you a heavenly human. You discover your silvery trail of golden breadcrumbs, to find your way back home, from head to toe. Here you knew, always, that you were far more than, simply, a one-life human. Please, remember to visit my homepage, for more fascinating facets of 13 O’Klock, within yourself.

Egun And Then Some… Diviner’s Spotlight 07/21 by KDCL Media | Blog Talk Radio

Egun And Then Some… Diviner’s Spotlight 07/21 by KDCL Media | Blog Talk Radio. 8pm edt

Diviners Spotlight on Egun And Then Some…

Egun Run

Sunday, May 19th at 8pm edt; Miss Paula and Oro welcome you to Egun And Then Some…

Once a month we like to take the time to spotlight the many talented readers and diviners in our networks and give them the spotlight so the KDCL Media family can get to know them, too.

This month we’re spotlighting, Mz Lilith of Twilight Crossroads, and Armadi Riverwolf of Cressona Paranormal.

Mz Lilith specializes in aiding people to help get their lives running smoother, and is the proprietess of Twilight Crossroads.

Ahmadi Riverwolf is a counselor, shaman and life coach with have ten years of experience in emotional therapy. She is initiated as a Healer in Palo Kimbisa, and adept at doing life readings with both Nkobos and Tarot.

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Meet Us At The Crossroads

Dr RavenDr. E

Monday 8pm edt, Candelo’s Corner Presents Conjure At The Crossroads.

KDCL Media & Candelo’s Corner offer a SPECIAL gift to our faithful listeners. In celebration of the second anniversary of Candelo’s Corner tonight we welcome a lineup of talented diviners.

Tata ConjureMan Ali using the traditional divination tools of Kimbanda.

Dr. E, The Conjure Doctor will read ‘dem bones’ and Tarot.

Tata Candelo Kimbisa will be using the traditional divinatory tools  of Palo to pass along the messages from his own nfumbe to you.

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