Refurbished bus turned mobile classroom helping to educate San Francisco’s disadvantaged adults — Life & Soul Magazine

San Francisco nonprofit Five Keys has transformed a city bus into a mobile classroom, providing a space for the city’s disadvantaged residents to learn. The first-of-its-kind mobile classroom has a library, a cozy study nook, Internet access, Chromebooks, white boards, desks, and a teacher. The refurbished bus, which is emblazoned with the tagline The Self-Determination […]

via Refurbished bus turned mobile classroom helping to educate San Francisco’s disadvantaged adults — Life & Soul Magazine

Slavic Faceless Doll Talisman and its Magical Powers

Giving Thanks

Giving thanks for the bounty of friends and family in our lives.
Blessings for health and bounty in your lives.

Contemplating Death

Weather Prognostication and the Wooly Bear Caterpillar

The Druid's Garden

In the last week, I’ve seen almost 50 wooly bear caterpillars. These caterpillars are also known as “wooly caterpillar”, “bear caterpillar” and “wooly worms” (latin: phyrrhartica isabella). These fuzzy, brown and black caterpillars come out just as the weather grows cold. I often find hidding in woodpiles or garden mulch getting ready to hibernate till the spring. The cold seems to summon them forth–you see nothing of them all summer, and then, a few weeks before Samhain they are everywhere. And, dear readers, they are here with a message.

These caterpillars, not unlike other famous wildlife in the area, have long been known to predict the harshness of winter. If a wooly bear caterpillar has more brown than black, that means the winter is mild. But, if the caterpillar has more black than brown, the winter will be tough. Here’s a graphic I made to share this wooly bear caterpillar…

View original post 532 more words

Regional traditional folk symbolism of Lublin, Poland

Protection of houses against evil in the region of Mazovia

by Elder Mountain Dreaming

Philmont “77” A Poem by Charles “Danny” Hutson

Dan Hutson was my father-in-law. He treasured his time as a Boy Scout leader, and told many stories about my husband as a teenager.

Oro Cas Reflects

Philmont “77” A Poem by Charles “Danny” Hutson

This poem was written by my father in 1977 which was the year me and him had the adventure of a lifetime for a father and son.

My older brother and I were both in the local Boy Scout troop and our father was the Scoutmaster for many years. It was a wonderful arrangement between a father and his sons.

It got even better when I decided to follow in my older brothers footsteps and go to the “high adventure camp” known as Philmont that the Boy Scouts had created in northeastern New Mexico.

During the last training week I attended in northern Virginia one of the leaders had to drop out of the trip and my father was asked if he would be interested.

Of course he said yes and the rest is history.

This poem tells a story. It is…

View original post 502 more words


By Gather Victoria

“Has artemisia come to help us unlock the deep dreams that day to day living has swept seemingly out of reach? Has she come to guard us and protect us while we realign ourselves with the strength of feminine energy? Has she come–with her liver cleansing and digestive tonic– to help ease the pain of […]

via Artemisia Moontime Elixir:  A Recipe For Dream Magic — gather

Catch 22 Is Alive And Well

By Paula & Oro Cas

Catch-22:  A dilemma or difficult circumstance from which there is no escape because of mutually conflicting or dependent conditions.

I sit looking at this document wondering how to write about the craptastic Catch-22 that has appeared in my husband’s life. My husband is one of the millions of people who suffer with chronic pain. His journey to where he is today began 35 years ago when he worked for a traveling carnival. While working to repair a ride, the clutch holding the ride’s car opposite the repairmen failed sending the cars around the track. Hubby and two other workers fell 50 feet resulting in multiple fractures and life threatening injuries. Combine those injuries with 30 years of commercial truck driving, a near fatal lightning strike resulting in damage to his nerve sheaths and joints, along with degenerative disk disease, stenosis, scoliosis, and osteoarthritis … We have a perfect storm of chronic pain.

Continue reading “Catch 22 Is Alive And Well”