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Good Witches Homestead

Lepidolite contains lithium and is helpful for stabilizing mood swings and bipolar disorders. It is extremely useful for overcoming any kind of emotional or mental imbalance; it is supportive in releasing one from addictions and emotional disorders like anorexia.

Colors: purple, some with pink tourmaline crystals

Uses: called the stone of peace and rich in lithium, excellent for out of body experience, increasing psychic ability, acceptance, awareness, peace, and tranquility, relieving stress, soothing anger and diffusing negativity, good luck, restful sleep, and pleasant dreams.

Star Sign: Libra
Planet: Venus
Element: Air
Chakra: Heart


Keep Lepidolite near you when you study to boost concentration

Place Lepidolite in your living room to enhance a calm atmosphere

Wear lepidolite to release unkind feelings you may be holding

lepidoliteKeep Lepidolite near you to help free yourself from addictions

Put lepidolite in the places you spend most time to help lift depression

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The Mayans 2

Wild Horse Freedom Federation launches a new series, THE TRUTH, making BLM FOIA records available to the public

Straight from the Horse's Heart

Wild Horse Freedom Federation (WHFF) is launching a new series on our website called THE TRUTH, to share BLM Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) documents with the public.  Be sure to subscribe to the Wild Horse Freedom Federation blog on the home page of Wild Horse Freedom Federation, so that you can receive email alerts.

The Department of the Interior is currently attempting to cut the fat from its 2018 Budget by killing off up to 46,000 wild horses & burros in BLM holding facilities and even more “excess” wild horses & burros on the range.  In truth, the BLM has a long history of knowingly putting our wild horses & burros at risk for slaughter.  In The Truth #1, the BLM’s intent was not even hidden.

#1on THE TRUTH – BLM FOIA records reveal that BLM Marketing Specialist Sally Spencer was willing to sell 10,000 wild horses to…

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Another New Family

Featured Image -- 4296Proceeds from the campaign will be donated to help with campground upkeep.

Oro Cas Reflects

As I traveled around the country in 2013 during the first year of Oro Expeditions I spent a lot of time living in a tent. It was easy to do this because of my membership in a popular gold prospecting and mining club known as the Gold Prospectors Association of America.

We joined the GPAA in 2009 while I was still driving a truck around the country for a living. Being on the road all the time made it easy to visit quite a few leases and properties owned by them and I took advantage of this almost every weekend while trucking.

It only took a couple visits to some of GPAA’s eastern spots for me to realize that gold miners and rock hounds have a lot in common with over the road truck drivers. They both live outside the norms of modern society and most live a solitary life…

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Art and Spirit: The Bardic Arts as Self Development and Spiritual Practice

The Druid's Garden

“The way to see what looks good and understand the reasons it looks good, and to be at one with this goodness as the work proceeds, is to cultivate an inner quietness, a peace of mind so that goodness can shine through.”

–Robert Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values.

In the last two months, through various angles, we have explored ways of taking up the path of the bard, one of the three paths of the druid tradition. Topics have included the cultivation and flow of awen, cultural challenges surrounding taking up the path of the bard, and tips for how to cultivate the bardic arts. In my last post, we also explored some of what industralization had us lose in terms of the bardic arts–both to those who create them and those who use them and how we might…

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Wild Horse & Burro Advocate Takes to Facebook Live to Save America’s National Icon

Straight from the Horse's Heart

Source: Wild Horse Freedom Federation

Wild Horse Freedom Federation’s President, R.T. Fitch, speaks on newly released White Paper outlining BLM’s deception of US Public and Congress

The People Behind the Paper, the Board of Directors of Wild Horse Freedom Federation. Left to Right, Marjorie Farabee, Carol Walker, R.T. Fitch, Debbie, Dawn Reveley and Terry Fitch

Long time Wild Horse & Burro advocate and co-founder of Wild Horse Freedom Federation intends to speak to the release of their detailed and informative White Paper on the Bureau of Land Management’s Wild Horse & Burro Program, with a Focus on Problems Related to Holding Facilities.

Released just last Wednesday, the detailed report outlines years of deception initiated by the renegade federal agency who, to date, attempts to dissuade, delude and deceive the citizens of the United States and the very legislators that write the laws and control…

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The Sacral Stone: Tangerine Quartz

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Good Witches Homestead

Tangerine Quartz is a natural orange quartz that, as with all quartzes, has the properties of quartz, plus its own properties. The orange color is caused by hematite and the present of water where it initially formed.

Properties: vitality, strength, fiery, warm, comforting, encouraging

The ‘Sacral Stone’, perfectly created for the benefit of the Sacral energy center, to bring a “medicine” in however way it is needed, onwards forming a connection with the Crown energy center to gain knowledge in correcting and using the Sacral center to the best of its ability.

The orange color on these Natural Tangerine Quartz Points from Brazil comes from the presence of Hematite and water in the cavity where they grew. Slowly, over time, the water combined with Hematite to create rust that permanently bonded to the surface of the crystals. The combination creates a wonderfully unique natural quartz crystal.

This color resonates with…

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Woodpecker Woman

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Back To School Buddies ~

Gemstone jicaraYikes! It’s almost ‘that time of year’ again – back to school. But never fear – the superhero crystals are here to help both parents and kids get back in the swing of it. Each new school year can bring with it new routines, new challenges, and new things to learn and enjoy. Crystals and their energy can be helpful allies for this transitional time of year.

Kids can take their crystals to school with them in the form of tumbled stones kept in a pouch in their backpacks or perhaps or as a pendant, so the crystals can do their work without becoming a distraction or an issue while at school.  Crystal key chains can be a functional way to take the energy to school. They can be clipped to backpacks or pencil cases. Older students with lockers might hang the key chains in their locker to be a touchstone between classes.

Here are some school challenges and crystals that can help:

Separation Anxiety:  Rose Quartz can be soothing for separation anxiety (this applies to both Mom and little one!) and helping keep that “I’m loved” feeling throughout the day.

DisorganizationFluorite can assist with clearing out clutter and finding routines that encourage organization. Fluorite is also a wonderful aid for concentration during class.

Shyness:  Blue Lace AgateLapis Lazuli and Amazonite can be helpful for finding their voice and sharing their thoughts in and out of class.

Making Friends:  Green Aventurine has a loving, calming, nurturing, yet happy energy that allows us to appreciate ourselves and others (who wouldn’t want a friend like that?).

Grounding/Protection:  Hematite (for teens, not younger children) and Red Jasper (all ages) can help ground and center children and adults, making them less vulnerable to energy attacks and bullies.

Autism:  SugiliteChrysocolla, and Lapis Lazuli  have been found helpful for those with autism.  Black Tourmaline can also help ground and protect children with autism who may be overly energy-sensitive in a crowded school setting.

ADD/ADHD:  Many people have found Moonstone helpful for students (and adults!) who struggle with this.  Selenite and Sodalite may also offer a calming presence.

Energy-Sensitive Children:  For those who are overwhelmed by all the constantly fluctuating energies of the school environment, Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian, and Garnet can help ground and protect them, allowing them to concentrate more comfortably on their schoolwork.

Here are some crystal suggestions for those going off to college, perhaps for the first time:

Charoite helps to relieve the loneliness and homesick feelings.

Rose Quartz can remind the student of the unconditional love at home and a piece next to the bed can create a calming, loving atmosphere in their dorm room.

Black Tourmaline, for releasing negative feelings, paired with Lepidolite for its calming, relaxing energy, will remind you that everything will be alright and relieve stress and anxiety.

Selenite under the pillow can help provide a more restful night’s sleep.

Iolite encourages you to take responsibility for yourself, helping you to become less dependent on your parents.

Green Fluorite and Malachite can for help being more focused and observant in class and for processing and comprehending challenging subjects. Definitely a must-have stone for any grad student too.

Emerald promotes new friendships and healthy relationships. Wearing a piece of this crystal as a pendant is a great way to keep it with you.

Fluorite and Moss Agate are useful for strengthening the immune system and fighting off bacteria and viruses that can get you sick.

-References: “Back to School with Crystals” By Debbie Elaine, and “Pack Your Crystals When You Head Off to College!” By Stephanie Arnold 

5 Crystals To Reduce Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)

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Good Witches Homestead

We all love our smartphones and laptops, the always-on access to the internet. But could there be a problem hiding in plain sight?

There have always been Electromagnetic Fields around us, invisible to the human eye. The Earth has a magnetic field, always pointing north. Electric fields are produced when going from high to low voltage, such as when a lightning bolt strikes the ground.

Over the last 100 years, we have surrounded ourselves with new sources – anything which has an electric current flowing produces an EMR. As time goes on, we fill our lives with more electronic gadgets, closer to our bodies. These all radiate energy, so the question is how much do they affect our health and well-being?

Humans beings are bioelectrical systems so exposure to artificial EMR’s can interfere with our biological processes. A known effect is heating – this is why our gadgets have an…

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