The Medicine, Magic, and Spirit of Trees: A Druid’s Garden Guide

Avoiding Counterfeit Tarot and Oracle Decks

Samhain Treats: Rowan Berry Honey Caramels

Looking in the Face of Death at Samhain

Embracing the Magic of the Summer Solstice in Your Herb Garden

The Herb Society of America Blog

unnamed (2)The summer solstice is a time when the natural world is ablaze with life, when the energies of light and warmth are at their peak. This celestial dance of light and shadow held profound significance for our ancestors. It was a time of celebration and thanks for the coming harvests, and a time to relax for a bit and play. Still today, some cultures celebrate by kindling fires, symbolizing the transformative power of the sun, and many communities gather to dance, sing, and rejoice in the abundance of the season.

Within the realms of folklore, the summer solstice is a moment in time when the veils between the human world and the realm of faeries grow gossamer thin. It is said that on the summer solstice eve, you may catch a glimpse of these ethereal beings, frolicking amidst the meadows and woodlands, their presence evoking a sense of wonder and…

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Exploring the Sacred Animals of the Quarters in the Druid Tradition — The Druids Garden

In the druid tradition, in multiple modern druid orders, we associate animals or fish with the four directions.  The classic ones are: The Great Bear in the North The Hawk in the East The Stag in the South The Salmon in the West Depending on the tradition, it might get a little fancier.  For example,…

Exploring the Sacred Animals of the Quarters in the Druid Tradition — The Druids Garden

Mushrooms as Nature’s Alchemists: Cycles, Connections, Healing, and Vision — The Druids Garden

When I feel lost and feel like the hope is gone in the world, I go spend time with some mushrooms.  Mushrooms, more than any other organism on this planet, give me hope.  So much so, I’ve been doing an intensive year-long study of the fungi kingdom, learning their medicine, their magic, their visionary properties,…

Mushrooms as Nature’s Alchemists: Cycles, Connections, Healing, and Vision — The Druids Garden

Spirit Journeying Part 3: Deeper Work — The Druids Garden

In the last three posts in  this series, we explored spirit journeying: preliminary and preparatory work, connecting with a spirit journey guide, and establishing your inner grove. All of these things were meant to set you up for the journeys to come–where the entire realms of spirit are open to you and the sky is…

Spirit Journeying Part 3: Deeper Work — The Druids Garden

Introduction to Spirit Journeying: Your Inner Sacred Grove — The Druids Garden

In the last two posts, we explored the preliminaries for spirit journeying: the preliminaries such as addressing issues like safety, believability, focus, and visualization and also doing an initial journey to find a guide that can assist you as part of your journeying work.  The next step is to establish a safe space, a “home…

Introduction to Spirit Journeying: Your Inner Sacred Grove — The Druids Garden

Introduction to Spirit Journeying: Preparation — The Druids Garden

Spirit Journeying is a technique that we use commonly in the druid tradition, but it certainly is not unique to only our tradition.  In fact, spirit journeying is what I’d consider being a core human spiritual practice, being used by different peoples throughout time.  The more people that I meet who follow different traditions, and…

Introduction to Spirit Journeying: Preparation — The Druids Garden