
A 21st Century Wheel of the Year: Restoration at the Winter Solstice

The Druid's Garden

The time of the greatest darkness is upon us at the winter solstice. Each morning, the sun seems to struggle to rise and hangs low in the sky. The world is covered in frost, cold, and snow, and the darkness of winter sets in. This is a hard time for many, perhaps more so now than before, given the cultural darkness and challenges that so many of us are facing globally and locally. So facing the darkness, in this very challenging time, takes something extra.

Winter Solstice Snow Winter Solstice Snow

In my first post on this series (Receptivity at the Fall Equinox), I made the case that the traditional Wheel of the Year was developed and enacted under very different conditions than our present age. We now live in the Anthropocene, a period of human-driven climate change and cultural unrest which is very different than the Holocene, the period of…

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Crystal Healing for Gaslighting: Signs, Support, and Recovery /

The unfortunate truth is that, though the term “gaslighting” was a relatively new one for me in recent years, my experience of it has been lifelong.

“Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or group, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgment.” – Wikipedia

It’s an insidious form of abuse because it can often start off subtly and build over time, and while it may happen most often in intimate relationships, it can also be experienced in parent-child relationships, the workplace, doctor’s offices, politics, and institutions.

It can rob survivors of their sense of self, their authentic voice, and keep them from trusting their intuition because they are being repeatedly caused to doubt themselves, feel shame, feel inferior, less intelligent, unreliable, or less credible than the abuser.

Many survivors even come to question their sanity. And it can also lead the way to other forms of abuse, including physical and sexual.

Read entire article at: Krista Mitchell ~ Crystal Healing for Gaslighting: Signs, Support & Recovery


Crooked Bear Creek Organic Herbs

During turbulent times, the ability to adapt to constant change is vital. Coping with transitions and a shift in routines can be inherently stressful, leading to issues such as the zapping of energy, frenzied thoughts, confusion, low mood, restlessness, and sometimes feelings of loneliness or isolation.

Adopting a constructive mindset and healthy coping strategies, although not easy, can be an important factor in sparking hope and beginning a journey towards positive emotional healing. Pure essential oils can provide a powerful complementary tool to help the mind and body adjust to the sensations of overwhelm, fear, boredom, lethargy, sadness, and hopelessness commonly experienced during a crisis. Combined with other therapeutic and self-care techniques such as meditation, exercise, journaling, calling loved ones, and talking to a licensed therapist, these potent plant oils can offer a soothing, relaxing, and uplifting respite from day-to-day worries and anxieties.

Essential oils have been used historically for…

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It’s ok to not feel ok right now. Or to have good days and bad.

You don’t need to have this handled. To be a grounded god/dess. To be riding the wave of this energy like a MF.

Healers, especially, can put themselves under a lot of pressure to be self-sufficient. To show up for others, first. To be the light.

I know my tribe ❤️. And I know that most of you in this community are healers in one way, or another.

I’ve had days where I’ve broken down or lost my sh**. And I’ve had to go through it, to honor the feelings. I’ve also needed that blessed release.

But maybe you’re in a situation where you can’t do that, or maybe not right now. Or you really do have to show up for others first, and be the light.

It’s still ok to not be ok.

We all need healing in so many ways, and there will be time for that, but here are some core crystals that can support you right now.

Note the word SUPPORT. This isn’t about making the feelings go away. The feelings are not wrong or accidental. And you are not bad or weak for feeling them, or for having trouble coping.

For those of you who don’t have the time (or headspace) to read a long blog post, I’ve got them listed in a short summary right here:

Crystals for When You're Not OK / rose quartz /

Rose quartz: for soothing and to receive love. Hold it in your receptive hand or wear it over your heart chakra.

Read the original article at: Krista Mitchell ~ Crystals For When You’re not OK

Create Your Own Personal Haven—Anywhere

Good Witches Homestead

Stress! It’s the scourge of our contemporary society. And the thought of retiring to a safe haven where you can banish stress, repair your nerves, and renew your life is a concept whose time has come. Creating a personal sanctuary, whether it be in a bedroom, bathroom, patio, garden, or the Great Outdoors, seems to be a cherished goal for many of us stressed-out people.

But how to go about fashioning such a retreat? What elements are required, and can you do it in a limited space and on a tight budget? These questions and many others form the contents of my book, A Sanctuary of Your Own. Perhaps you’ve read books, visited websites, and watched TV programs dedicated to this subject. With wild enthusiasm, you’ve started designing your space, and you’re halfway there. But, somehow things aren’t quite gelling. So in this short article, I’ll distill some of…

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Overcoming Depression

Third Moon of Winter 2019

Establishing a Ritual of Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Self-Care

Good Witches Homestead

There’s something to be said about intentionally setting aside time in our hectic schedules to focus entirely on our lives, our bodies and our health (both mental, and physical).

But so often, this is easier typed than done.

I believe in our culture, there’s certain guilt about slowing down, even for a short time, especially when it’s for the sake of our own wellbeing. We’re fascinated by the hustle, by the busyness of it all, and drawn into that hamster wheel of constant productivity, for the sake of getting ahead.

But I can attest, alongside so many others, that establishing a ritual of daily, weekly, and monthly self-care, slowing down and tuning out (in order to really tune in), can greatly benefit whatever your life’s work is. Whatever that hustle is meant for.

I have struggled with establishing this routine—busyness being that back-of-the-mind itch that keeps me from slowing…

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What is the Shadow?