Dreaming Primer: Lucid Dreaming, Dream Recall, and Exploring Dreamscapes for Creativity — The Druids Garden

The average human being will sleep approximately 229,961 hours over the course of their life.  Dreaming, including working on dream recall and lucid dreaming, can offer us gateways to cultivating a rich inner life and in supporting our spiritual and creative practices.  In many spirit-led cultures, dreaming and sacred dreams have a tremendously powerful role;…

Dreaming Primer: Lucid Dreaming, Dream Recall, and Exploring Dreamscapes for Creativity — The Druids Garden

Songs of the Soul’s Awakening

Transformative Dreaming – Dream Analysis 101, 202 and 303

Dreaming Mirrors

2nd Moon of Summer 2019

The Halls of Amenti – An Ancient Egyptian Goddess

Shamanism Part 2: Astral Spiders, Etheric and AI Spiders, Implants, Dark Animistic Parasites, Spider Goblins

Astral Spiders, Etheric Spiders, Spider Implants, AI Spiders

Loon Totem

The Nature of Neptune and Neptunian Dreamers