Astrorisa Moon ~ June New Moon

Written by Iya Olusoga ~ Bisi Ade
For Astrorisa Moon Forecaster
June 23, 2017
Cancer New Moon 2° in House 5
Sun in Cancer 2° in House 5
10:31 PM EDT


Over worked, making important decisions, balancing our emotions, proper timing, spiritual insight, cooperation, fanaticism, intense dreams, the home (comfort zone), fear, insecurity, a need to pay attention to red flags, healing, pleasures of life, and spiritual assistance.

Welcome to the Cancer New Moon
Welcome to the Cancer New Moon, Osupa titun fun Yemoja!! And Happy Summer Solstice to Everyone!! We have arrived at the 2nd cardinal season of the year. with another stellium (4 or more planets) in the sign of Cancer. Time for our 2nd renewal, and rejuvenation program to begin, what shall that look like? Only we can determine that, but we have until autumn to make some important changes for ourselves, so let’s get busy with this new moon time.
Cancer, an archetype of Yemoja is that part of our soul make-up that looks to care for our home base, it determines our needs, and gives attention to those aspects of ourselves and our relationships which require healing, repairing, even transforming. Cancer 2° delves into the great mysteries of life, and will explore its relationship to others; defining their harmony and balance. It does this to determine that relationship’s realism or its falsehood. Cancer 2° and its entire 1st Decan, is not easily fooled, because it is developing a very strong BS radar as it moves through the remaining 8°. House 5, the house of family members, personal interests, and personal pleasures is the house this moon currently resides in.
House 5 (Leo ruled) is a fixed energy, and Cancer is a cardinal energy, we can better identify our problems and are more likely willing to fix them. Also, with the moon’s placement in house 5, our collective consciousness is imprinted with messages for us to ‘sit back’, ‘relax’, and ‘discover’ what brings us emotional satisfaction. Don’t be surprised if that is what you seek at this time, ’emotional satisfaction.’ This lunar position will also have us thinking of ways to express our creativity, and engage in self-actualization. Our family, especially young members are likely to get more of our attention, this attention getting also applies to our pets. We can find ourselves wanting to spend more time doting on them, and relishing in their expressions of happiness and joy. Many emotional changes come with this moon time, including our own acts of self-expression. If you are normally hesitant in expressing your feelings, this Cancer Sun/ Moon time will crack, or break that silent mold for you. You’ll likely find yourself speaking more assuredly, and communicating without hesitation what you think, want, like, and don’t like. Anticipate your children doing the same…because everyone is “Big Mama” during this new moon time.
Important Dates: July 2nd & July 7th
July 2nd:  Up to this point, those who have had misunderstandings and miscommunication or fall outs with others may find it difficult to resolve those issues now. July 2nd is a day which brings many forms of blockages to our progress, and these obstructions intensify. People trying to join together, trying to make deals, and connections, are heavily blocked. This day has a strong Ogun energy manifesting within it. The late hours of 10:50 pm – 1 am have a reckless Ogun vibration.
 This day isn’t an auspicious date for the beginning of marriages or contracts. Get a reading before making a commitment of any kind. This date also brings with it, secret meetings which can lead to unfavorable outcomes, and information or letters of concern can arrive. The (+) aspects of this day is that what is currently troublesome, has a strong probability for resolution in the days or weeks to come. But have a witness when discussing or agreeing to anything.
June 12th pinnacle lunar date from the May 25th forecast running until June 22nd
June 12th pinnacle lunar date from the May 25th forecast running until June 22nd
Have a safe, comforting, healing, and an open road New Moon Time!


Good Witches Homestead

 LEPIDOLITE CONTAINS LITHIUM AND IS HELPFUL FOR STABILIZING MOOD SWINGS AND BI-POLAR DISORDERS. IT IS extremely useful for overcoming any kind of emotional or mental imbalance; it is supportive in releasing one from addictions and emotional disorders like anorexia.

Colors: purple, some with pink tourmaline crystals

Uses: called the stone of peace and rich in lithium, excellent for out of body experience, increasing psychic ability, acceptance, awareness, peace, and tranquility, relieving stress, soothing anger and diffusing negativity, good luck, restful sleep, and pleasant dreams.

Star Sign: Libra
Planet: Venus
Element: Air
Chakra: Heart


Keep lepidolite near you when you study to boost concentration

Place lepidolite in your living room to enhance a calm atmosphere

Wear lepidolite to release unkind feelings you may be holding

lepidoliteKeep lepidolite near you to help free yourself from addictions

Put lepidolite in the places you spend most time to help lift depression


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First New Moon of Summer