Genetic Caution — Dr. Gary Samuelson

In the past few years, we have become aware that some people in power (we are not exactly sure who) are developing genetic engineering technologies capable of synthesizing genetic code and testing it out on global societies.  During the pandemic crisis, mRNA vaccines were developed (with much fanfare) containing genetic coding that forces our human […]

Genetic Caution — Dr. Gary Samuelson

King Charles & David Attenborough parrot WWF activist nonsense they naively accept as ‘science’ — Watts Up With That?

They all want a return to a world with fewer people that live meager, circumscribed lives while the rich carry on their jet-setting ways. The King will lobby again for their collective vision of the world this Friday at Buckingham Palace.

King Charles & David Attenborough parrot WWF activist nonsense they naively accept as ‘science’ — Watts Up With That?