The Healing Magic of 432 Hz + Crystals

There’s a magic that happens when we combine crystal energy with sound frequencies:
It has an alchemical harmonizing effect that we experience right down to a cellular level. Congruence is a powerful thing to consider, because right now our world is heavily incongruent (war, illness, pollution, tyrannical politics, social injustice, harmful tech, etc.).The incongruence is felt by our nervous system, which is then destabilizing to the energy patterns of our body, mind, and souls. Conversely, when we experience greater harmony, congruence within, we can re-establish wellness and balance.→ This isn’t a new concept, btw, it’s the fundamental upon which energy healing is based.
So back to 432 Hz and crystals:
Studies have begun to show that listening to music at the frequency of 432 Hz helps to slow our heart rate, lower blood pressure, and deepen our breathing – it has the opposite effect of stress on these systems. What I’ve found is that in pairing 432 hz music with congruent crystal frequencies I feel: a decompressing effect on my nervous system deeper relaxation spaciousness and ease within more grounded presence and embodiment greater compassion for myself and others. My intuition and spiritual connection to the ALL exponentially increases. I experience greater feelings of abundance, possibility, and something very precious to me: HOPE.

Read entire article here: The Healing Magic of 432 Hz + Crystals


How to Trust + Follow Spirit with Crystal Allies /

Times of great challenge are also times of great reclaiming:

Reclaiming our feelings of resilience, personal power, faith, magic, and healing wisdom.

Reclaiming old ways while adopting new.

Reclaiming our sense of purpose, and conviction in what truly matters.

It is often in times of challenge or recovery that we turn more deeply to Spirit – for guidance, understanding, support.

One could argue that it’s a sign of spiritual evolution when one turns more deeply to Spirit in times of ease, thriving, without need for overcoming great challenge.

One could also argue that we are always facing some great challenge, in one form or another, as we turn each bend in the labyrinth of our lives.

To me, Spirit encompasses many things: God/dess, the consciousness of the stones, ethereal spirits, nature spirits, spirit guides, spirits of the departed, our own spirits or souls.

It’s through being able to deeply listen to my own spirit, my own voice + truth, and that of my Guidance that has gently yet powerfully steered me through some of the hardest challenges in my life.

But I know from my own experience, and that which I witness in others, that being able to truly listen to + follow our own voice and Spirit can be a challenge in and of itself.

How do you listen deeply? How do you hear Spirit? How do you trust what you’re hearing enough to follow?

My friends: I know it takes an enormous amount of courage to surrender and follow Spirit, to say yes to the truth of your soul.

Many of us are neither conditioned nor encouraged to listen to anything other than outside authority.

But when we do take the time to listen to ourselves, to follow the guidance of Spirit, we tend to be richly rewarded.

Read original article at: Krista Mitchell ~ How to Trust & Follow Spirit


Crystal Healing for Gaslighting: Signs, Support, and Recovery /

The unfortunate truth is that, though the term “gaslighting” was a relatively new one for me in recent years, my experience of it has been lifelong.

“Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or group, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgment.” – Wikipedia

It’s an insidious form of abuse because it can often start off subtly and build over time, and while it may happen most often in intimate relationships, it can also be experienced in parent-child relationships, the workplace, doctor’s offices, politics, and institutions.

It can rob survivors of their sense of self, their authentic voice, and keep them from trusting their intuition because they are being repeatedly caused to doubt themselves, feel shame, feel inferior, less intelligent, unreliable, or less credible than the abuser.

Many survivors even come to question their sanity. And it can also lead the way to other forms of abuse, including physical and sexual.

Read entire article at: Krista Mitchell ~ Crystal Healing for Gaslighting: Signs, Support & Recovery

Gemstones for Love – Our magnificent 7 Gems of the Heart

Good Witches Homestead

Are you looking for love or trying to mend a broken heart? In a new relationship or in the middle of a life-long love story? We have the gemstones for you.

Source: Gemstones for Love – Our magnificent 7 Gems of the Heart

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Celestite: A Healing Ritual for Divine Intervention /

Celestite is a strontium sulfate crystal whose fragility belies its majestic healing power.

Its name derives from the Latin “heavenly”.

We work with celestite a LOT in my Pro Crystal Healer program to help reduce inflammation, accelerate healing, and to deepen our exploration and development of our spiritual selves.

In meditation it helps connect us with the “something more” that we all are, and its high frequency vibrations opens divine channels that can help lead us on our soul path, discover our life purpose, and embody more of our higher potential.

It resonates with the heart, throat, 3rd eye, and crown chakras.

Crystal Healing Our Relationship to Wealth & Healing For Being Overwhelmed

By Krista Mitchell

Tiger Eye: Healing Our Relationship to Wealth

“Wealth is many things. We give it a numerical value, but that’s just a number, not a feeling.

What is wealth?

Safety, love, health, friendships, joy… the list goes on!

How did we warp wealth?

By losing touch with its true meaning, its true joy.

Take a moment to connect with me, and as you do my energy can ignite your solar plexus [chakra].

Joy, nourishment, feeling the cool solid structure of a tabletop – all of these things are wealth.

This week, celebrate your wealth in small, simple ways.

Reclaim for yourself the love, light, and beauty of this frequency.

Feel it replenish your soul.”

Tiger eye is a stone of prosperity, grounding, balance, and protection. Its frequency is that of joy. It says: “Connect with joy, and the rest is easy.” Let this be your mantra this week.

Crystal Healing For Overwhelm

I’m kind’a over feeling overwhelmed!

I tend to take on too much, which is something I’m still working on in my own personal healing process.

Sometimes it’s what my guidance calls “Go time”, where there’s a lot upgrading, downloading, and shifting simultaneously, and it’s a matter of taking it on and getting it done.

And sometimes, a whole barrel of shit just seems to hit all at once! And it’s duck and cover and cope as best you can.

I imagine everyone who’s reading this has experienced all three.

I feel like I’ve experienced all three this year, and it’s only the end of February!

While we can point to the moons, eclipses, stars, or our shadows as the culprits, overwhelm seems to have become a way of life for too many people.

Crystals can’t magically fix this, but they can help provide the energy support we need to ride these times out as best we can.

I’ve got two suggestions here for you: one is a combo you can wear on a daily basis for support, the second is a crystal healing session you can provide for yourself within the comfort of your own home.

Read original article at:  Krista Mitchell ~ Crystal Healing For Wealth and Being Overwhelmed.


Crystals + Practices to Maintain Spiritual Allignment / Alignment -- power word for 2020 that keeps you in the flow of synchronicity, your soul's vision, and your life purpose.

Alignment: power word for 2020. If you follow spiritual circles or teachers, you may have been hearing this word a lot.

The energy of 2020 is lined up to help us build our foundation for the next level of our success, fulfillment, Grace, health, new phase or story, but the key is setting this foundation in a way that is in alignment with our true heart’s desires and souls.

What does spiritual alignment mean? Simply put: embodying your soul’s truth and authentic feelings and desires.

What does alignment look like? Making choices and taking actions from that authentic place within, that keep you on your path and bring you towards deep fulfillment. It keeps you in the flow of synchronicity, magic, and Universal collusion — not to mention in a place of authentic joy.

It’s saying yes to YOU, your needs, feelings, honoring your soul’s vision, and saying “no” or “not right now” to anything that is out of alignment.

It could be career choices, relationships, where you live, right down to what you eat, how you pray (or not), and the small choices and decisions that make up your daily life.

It can look like buying the bright green couch that your friend thinks is hideous, because the color thrills you. Or saying no to the second date with the person who looks great on paper, but who just didn’t vibe right with you. It could be quitting the job, selling the apartment, moving to the country, getting a dog, and starting a lifestyle blog, because that fills you with fuzzy joy right down to the tips of your toes.

And, most importantly, it feels right.

Sounds like a magical way to live? IT IS. In every sense of the word.

BUT, for most people, there are inherent challenges to living an authentic life that is in alignment with their heart and soul.

Why? Let me count the ways:

  • Conditioning

  • Social conformity

  • Fear

  • Limiting beliefs and thought-forms

  • Fear

  • Self-doubt

  • Too much noise or conflicting inner impulses

  • Fear

  • Ego

  • The instinct to remain safe at all costs

Living in alignment, quite simply, takes courage. It takes risk. It takes listening. AND, most importantly, it takes practice.

What I’m sharing with you in this article are crystals and practices I work with as part of my daily practice of being/living in alignment.

View original article at: Kristin Mitchell ~ Crystals + Practices To Maintain Spiritual Alignment

Crystals for Balance During the Holiday Season

by Kathleen Johnson from UniverSOUL Heart

Crystals for Balance during the Holiday Season by Kathleen Johnson

Although we know that maintaining balance in our lives is a key to wellness, it is often a challenge to do so. Life on Earth can be demanding, stressful, and even chaotic at times, which makes it harder to achieve, let alone maintain, a state of balance. This is especially true during the holiday season. As we rush around in our daily lives, juggling responsibilities of home, work, family, and friends, the added pressure of the holiday season is a recipe for imbalance and overload. So, this holiday season, allow some crystal therapy into your lives, and mindfully work with their energy to keep yours in balance. 

Some of my top choices for balance and stress relief are:

Black Tourmaline is a stone that everyone needs! You may know it as a great grounding stone, but it also cleanses the energy field, and helps to dispel negativity in the form of worry, fear, judgment, and other toxic emotions. Black Tourmaline purifies and protects, so you can feel grounded and stable through the holiday rush. Keep a piece in a pocket, and place some over the exterior doors in your home.

Blue Kyanite is a wonderful choice for finding and maintaining balance. All Kyanites gently and thoroughly align and balance the 7 primary chakras. They calm and release stuck energy manifesting as emotions. Blue Kyanite has the added benefits of dissolving unhealthy emotional patterns, as well as enhancing communication with others. Placing a piece of Blue Kyanite on the 3rd eye can create a calm serene state in a matter of minutes when you’re feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list.

Green Aventurine is a heart chakra stone, and carries a lovely energy that instantly lifts the spirits and supports a feeling of well-being. It is also a wonderful balancing crystal, and inspires optimism during challenging times and situations. With its happy loving energy, Green Aventurine supports graceful movement through the holiday season. And, because it also harmonizes interactions with others, it is a wonderful choice for holiday gatherings and social events. Wearing a green aventurine necklace or pendant keeps it close to the heart.

Lepidolite is quickly becoming one of my go-to crystals, especially for stressful times when balance is needed. It harmonizes with all the chakras, but works especially well with the heart and 3rd eye. Its energy soothes frazzled nerves and dissipates stress and worry. Lepidolite calms anxiety and encourages restful sleep. It gently moves us into a receptive state for balance and emotional healing. Its energy is serene, soothing, and helps us appreciate the lessons in challenges. Carry Lepidolite in a pocket for a calm balancing influence and place it under your pillow for relief from insomnia related to holiday stress.

Red Jasper is the “Supreme Nurturer”. Offering stability and emotional balance, Red Jasper works slowly but steadily. Keeping Red Jasper in your environment promotes a grounded outlook, a deeper connection to Mother Earth, and an ability to recognize the source of chaos in our lives, thus providing the opportunity to restore order. Red Jasper has a very practical and earthy vibration that feels comforting and familiar. It also restores strength and vitality depleted by stress or illness. Red Jasper calms and balances the emotions when used as a worry stone.

Rose Quartz is a universally beloved stone. The gentle, nurturing energy of this delicate pink crystal is pure love – unconditional and for all. Its soothing vibrations are calming as they release tension and restore balance to the emotions and the entire energetic body. Rose Quartz is the quintessential heart chakra stone. Even so, it stimulates all the chakras, harmonizing and uniting them with heart energy. Wear Rose Quartz in a necklace or pendant, and allow its loving energy to calm and smooth any emotional rough edges.

Of course, this is by no means a comprehensive list. Fortunately, Mother Earth has blessed us with many crystals that restore balance, reduce stress, and support wellbeing. Some additional suggestions are AmethystBlue Chalcedony,Blue Lace AgateCelestiteMoonstoneTiger’s Eye, and Unakite Jasper.

Finally, as always, allow your intuition to guide you to those that work best with you. Mother Earth has you covered, so welcome some crystal therapy into the holiday season, and Sparkle on!

Source: The Pocket Book of Stones: Who They Are and What They Teach, by Robert Simmons (2015)


By Krista Mitchell

Clearing Inner Resistance to Positive Change - A Crystal Healing Ritual  /

It’s mind-boggling to think that there’s a part of us inside that fights us on making positive changes in our lives.

If something’s going to make our lives better, happier, healthier, why can’t we just do it? What gets in the way?

Put your hand up if you’ve ever experienced this: there’s a change you’ve wanted or needed to make in your life for a long-azz time, but you just seem stuck or held in the same old place or repeating pattern.

You just can’t seem to make the change happen.

It could be losing weight, changing jobs or careers, shifting your pattern of relationships, breaking a bad habit, exercising more, eating better, creating more work/life balance, etc.

What you are experiencing, my friend, is inner resistance.


Crystals Not Suitable For Making Gem Water

konjurx reblogged ancestralmedicinemagic

Crystals that are NOT suitable for placing in water / making gem water

This list will explain common stones that are either toxic to use for drinking in gem water or stones that are soluble in water. 🙂

Alunite: Non toxic but soluble in water

Anglesite: Toxic and slightly soluble in water

Arsenopyrite: Potentially toxic

Azurite: Harmful

Azurite-Malachite: Harmful

Azurite-Pseudomalachite: Harmful

Bunsenite: Toxic; allergen; avoid skin contact

Continue reading “Crystals Not Suitable For Making Gem Water”