The Shadowed Snow


Title: The Shadowed Snow by Paula Cas
Fandom: Original Fiction
Ratings: Gen
Summary: What do you see? Picture Prompt – Beginning the journey.

Continue reading “The Shadowed Snow”

Release Day: The Secret Service Agent — Sylum Clan

Release Day! Get a copy of The Secret Service Agent Today! Treat yourself to a new book this Holiday, or buy it for a friend! Format: Epub, Mobi, PDF, iBook Price: $4.99 Where: Amazon Barnes & Noble iTunes/iBooks Kobo Smashwords Imagine working everyday for the person you love, but can never truly have. Summary: When Michael Oliver’s…

via Release Day: The Secret Service Agent — Sylum Clan

in the morning fog

By Natalie J. Case

Winter in San Francisco generally means temperatures in the mid 40s to mid 50s and fog.  Sometimes really thick fog.  That does seem to be the case this year.  Even though I live a good 45 minute BART ride outside of the city, my little city can get pretty socked in too.

Fog means dangerous driving conditions, particularly when you don’t know the roads you’re driving on.  For me, I find fog mysterious and beautiful, especially when it hangs low over the mountains or the bridges.  I never do seem to get out into it with my camera however.  One of these days I’m going to get up to the Marin Headlands when the fog rolls in.

Just imagine what the world of horror movies would be like without fog!  It sets a mood, for sure.


If you have been waiting for the paperback to get your copy of Where Shadows Fall, your wait is over.  As of this morning, the paperback is available.  Click HERE to get it.

We’re headed into the busiest time of year, with holiday parties and get togethers, shopping and cooking and chaos of all kinds.  My life is no exception.  I’ll be trying a new-to-me cookie recipe this coming weekend for a company pot luck, and I have my first holiday party tomorrow evening.

Then it’s all a landslide into Christmas for me.

What about you, Readers?  Do you have a special holiday tradition, no matter what holiday you celebrate?

Announcement: Conversations in Real Time

By Nicholas J. Finch

Good News!

Conversations in Real Time now Available at Amazon!

If you’ve already bought the book and loved it – please leave a review on Amazon!

If you haven’t read it – now is a good time!

Or you can give it as a gift.

To keep updated on my Published work subscribe to my Website.

Or friend me on Facebook

The Saffron Collectors

The Saffron Collectors

A World where Transformation is Contagious

My new book has just been released in the US, UK and Spain. 

The Saffron Collectors will be published in June 2018 by the Beautiful traitor Books imprint. The imaginative book presents a world where transformation is contagious’ and where the young protagonists find themselves in an unusual orphanage called the Azafran Home for Girls under the supervision of the enigmatic La Madre. The major activity at the orphanage is the planting and growing of saffron flowers and the collection of its delicate spice. And the girls need to be made ready for when the time comes for the harvesting of the saffron spice. As the main protagonist, Teresa, develops a stronger bond and relationship with La Madre, she suspects that there is more to the Azafran Home for Girls than just picking flowers.

The Saffron Collectors comes fully color-illustrated with over 40 hand-drawn watercolor paintings from Naomi Hasegawa, a young artist.

where shadows fall — Natalie J Case

I received word yesterday that my manuscript for Where Shadows Fall has been accepted by my publisher. This means it should be ready for release in time for holiday sales. Where Shadows Fall will serve as the ending of the Shades and Shadows trilogy, though not likely the end of stories in that world. I have […]

via where shadows fall — Natalie J Case

and back again… — Natalie J Case

My those two weeks of vacation disappeared in a flash! I had an amazing time visiting Rome and Pompeii and Florence and Venice and Paris! Lots of great food and lots of wonderful vistas. I got home last week, but was unfortunately sick with a cold I picked up in Paris. Woke up with it […]

via and back again… — Natalie J Case

sale time — Natalie J Case

As I was looking for a book, I came across a small cache of copies of Through Shade and Shadow with the original cover. If you recall, when we released In Gathering Shade, we redesigned the cover. So here I sit with a bunch of the old covers and I thought that would be a […]

via sale time — Natalie J Case

how about a sale? — Natalie J Case

Today and tomorrow only, my first book, Forever is on sale for your Kindle pleasure. Just 99 cents gets you a gothic tale of a girl born into a family of vampires, and her life as she grew to understand her differences, sought her freedom, loved, lost and more. “I am comfortable in the dark, […]

via how about a sale? — Natalie J Case

Time For A Giveaway!

By Natalie J. Case


I asked myself this morning what it was I wanted to do today. Aside from the obvious answer (writing), I heard myself say “let’s give away some books!”

I thought that was an amazing idea! So, let’s do that! Contest opens tomorrow, runs through November 15th. Prize package will include, at minimum, one copy each of Through Shade and Shadow and In Gathering Shade. There will be other goodies thrown in there too to make things fun. I won’t tell you exactly what the prize package includes, but it should suit most any reader.

Click the link below to enter.
Count me in!

And now I head back into the third installment in the series!