5 Ways to Clear Cords During this Eclipse Season

5 ways to clear karmic ties During this Lunar Eclipse

Happy Lunar Eclipse & Honey Moon!

Things are getting a bit intense here as Saturn went retrograde on the 23rd, we enter the Eclipse Season with a super moon and experience Mercury’s retrograde on the 30th.

Saturn, the planet of karma and lessons is retrograde for the next 5 months in the sign of Aquarius. This is a time of karmic rebalancing. What you do during this time can project you forward in many of your goals, but you will need to have the self discipline to follow through. The lessons that come during this time are difficult, but the payoff will be worth it!

Mercury’s retrograde begins on the 30th of May. Mercury retrogrades usually have to do with miscommunications, technological issues, and delays. This one is square Neptune which adds another sense of illusion into the mix. This might make it hard to trust what others say. This could also be a time where propaganda, conspiracy theories or frauds are brought to the surface.

Read full article at: Spirit de la Lune ~ 5 Ways To Clear Cords During This Eclipse Season

May 2021 Astrological Influences & Ritual Recommendations

Good Witches Homestead

We welcome May with the Gaelic celebration of Beltane, which marks the beginning of Mother Earth entering a new cycle of growth, fertility, and abundance. Although I do not practice or observe any Pagan or Wiccan/New Age holidays or rites, I do honor this blessed day by creating an abundant ritual altar of candles and flowers.    May 3rd, 2021: Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius will bring a strong desire for solitude. Sensitives and those developing their third eye will feel overloaded with psychic messages. Anxiety often heightens during this time. Excellent time to physically and spiritually cleanse the home. The combination of Agrimony Powder and Wormwood Powder illuminates and cleanses all surroundings. This nearly smokeless method of cleansing will be very satisfying under the influences of this Last Quarter Moon. More information and instructions can be found on the Smokeless “Smudge” Kit page.   If

Source: May 2021 Astrological Influences & Ritual Recommendations

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Full Crone Moon | Heart Opening Cacao Ceremony


Happy Full Crone Moon & 11/11 Gateway!

The energy has been building in intensity over this entire month leading us to this fabulous Full Moon in Taurus.

November is providing us with so many astrological and cosmic lessons!

On 11/11 this month there is what is known as a “gateway” or cosmic portal opening up. This 11/11 gateway is meant to expand consciousness, upgrade our intuition, heighten our abilities, bring about self healing and gives us access to new spiritual wisdom.

On the 11th, Mercury is in conjunction with the Sun. Mercury, our innermost planet of the solar system will pass right in front of the Sun. It will even be visible to many in North America. This event rarely happens and won’t happen again until the year 2032.

Mercury represents the mind, communication and the intellect, passing in front of the light of the Sun will bring us new awareness, answers to big questions we’ve been asking and gives us access to other new information the entire planet has been asking for. The fact that it happens on the 11th is huge!

11 is a very powerful number. In Numerology there are 3 master numbers, 11, 22, and 33. 11 represents intuition, instant karma and manifestation. There is a reason we make wishes when we see 11:11 on the clock! This number represents access to the higher realms, connecting the subconscious to the conscious and manifesting our goals and dreams into physical reality.

Full Moon in Taurus 11/11 gateway cacao ceremony Spirit de la Lune

This 11/11 gateway lining up just before the Full Moon on the 12th is a very powerful occurrence! Some say it’s the most magical day of the year. 11/11 acts as a doorway that we choose to “walk through” whenever we notice it.

Earth is currently going through a mass awakening. You might be noticing repeating numbers 1111, 222, etc. You might even notice sequential numbers like 1234. This is a sign that you are currently “walking through” these gateways, downloading new information, and being given access to new gifts, upgrades and a higher consciousness.

This clears out old programming and helps you step into a new and better version of you. Be aware, this can trigger the ego a bit… in order for you to notice what needs clearing.

This portal/gateway lasts a few days and the energy can be intense. One of the best ways to access this portal and step through the “gateway” is actually through the heart chakra, and staying in your heart.

With the New Moon in Taurus on the 12th, we wanted to do a heart chakra ceremony for this special event using the earth medicine of Cacao.

Read complete article at: Spirit de la Lune ~ Full Crone Moon | Heart Opening Cacao Ceremony

The Energies of November 2019

Good Witches Homestead

The last couple of months have brought forward some decidedly intense, transformational currents of energy for us all to negotiate.  Hopefully, you are now becoming skilled at riding the waves of change that these energies tend to promote because November’s energy flow seems to have a focus on promoting further evolutionary growth. This is a month to allow everything that you are not, to dissolve with as much ease and grace as you can manage so that you can integrate more of your true self.

The energies incoming through the 11-11 gateway will as always, contain positive high-frequency light codes that will stimulate soul alignment and greater connection with our divine self. Mercury will be retrograde and conjunct the sun in Scorpio over this period which will provide exactly the right energetic focus to help us go within and connect with what is important for us at an inner level…

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New Moon in Scorpio for 2019 | Durgadas Allon Duriel

Good Witches Homestead

Note: Astrology forecasts are inevitably generalized because they can’t account for each individual’s birth chart and how it interfaces with the current planetary positions. This post focuses primarily on the new Moon. Each week, Modern Witch creator Devin Hunter writes a magical astrology forecast for the week as a whole that I encourage you to check out! Also, this post refers to the pure, archetypal forms of the zodiac signs, not what we see in actual people, who each have complex birth charts.

On Sunday, October 27 at 8:38 p.m. PST, the new Moon in Scorpio will rise. New Moons occur when the Sun and Moon conjoin, occupying the same degree of an astrological sign. In a nutshell, this means that our core identity (Sun) and emotions and feelings (Moon), align. They communicate fluently and provide us with greater clarity about ourselves. As the Moon begins a new cycle…

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The Energies of March

Good Witches Homestead

March promises to be an eventful month energetically, one that is full of potential if we can successfully ride the waves of change and embrace the new beginnings that it will bring forward.

The new moon on March 6th coincided with a big planetary shift of energy created by Uranus leaving Pisces to take up residence in Taurus, where it will remain for the next seven years. This movement of cosmic energy has probably already taken your focus of attention into a new area of your life, possibly revealing where an overhaul or energetic spring clean is going to be required. Uranus is a powerful planetary force that stimulates freedom, liberation, and enlightenment, so do your best to go with the flow of what it brings into focus for you. Following through with the process of change that it has instigated, will help you awaken latent potential needed for the…

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Crystals for Mercury Retrograde + the Pisces New Moon

We have a sun and moon in Pisces, Mercury went retrograde at 1:19pm ET today, AND, for some lucky countries, there’s also a time zone change happening at 2am ET this Sunday…

This is going to be fun! 🤪😱🤯🤬😵

My advice to the whole planet for the next 23 days: GROUND! GROUND! GROUND!

While many people focus on the negatives when in Mercury retro, there are a lot of positive aspects, but in order to benefit from them you need to be able to stay grounded and go with the flow.

Best crystals for this: crystals that link the intuitive power of the 3rd eye chakra with the grounding and stabilizing power of the root chakra.

Your intuition is going to be very powerful during this Piscean time, anyway, but by grounding its guidance in your root chakra it will be easier for you to follow it and be guided through this phase smoothly.

Feeling centered and grounded in your root chakra is also what will help you to feel more confident and empowered in going with the flow, and to help you keep on top of things.

View remainder of original article at: Krista Mitchell ~ CRYSTALS FOR MERCURY RETROGRADE + THE PISCES NEW MOON

Things To Do During Mercury Retrograde

By @heal_thy1

The Total Lunar Eclipse Energy Mix ~ What Is Actually Going On?

Dear all,
When Sun opposes Mars — as it will on Friday — it is common to feel either combative and irritable or have low energy and low self-confidence.
When Sun opposes Mars which is
1) currently in retrograde motion
2) partnered with Moon, and
3) on top of that the Full Moon and
4) on top of that the Total Lunar Eclipse that is the longest one of the century!
5) and opposed to the South Node of past experiences
6) and happening just as Mercury turned retrograde
7) and is affected by Uranus
— you may imagine that this day would be something for the books.
[If you’ve read elsewhere about other planets going retrograde — Saturn, Neptune, Pluto — they do so every single year for several months, and as they are the outer planets, that is not really going to present any dramatic influence at this time, except if they connect with your personal planets in the natal chart]
Direct influence of this energy is on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and this would be a perfect time to have an energy session, as any change you want to make will be able to go deeper than usual.
This is not a good time to begin anything new and it would be better to spend this time by yourself, turned inward.
Avoid — if you can — any discussions, meetings, travel, being in large groups of people or new projects.
Even though this Total Lunar Eclipse will not be visible in North America, and therefore this will lessen one negative aspect of its influence (the disappearance of Moon’s light), it is still very likely going to contribute to the overall feelings of not being in control.
So — go with the flow — and reflect, meditate, relax and let go of any expectations. And just be a silent observer — you may discover some things you haven’t previously considered.
Crystals to use at this time: White Agate, Blue Lace Agate, Carnelian, Imperial Topaz, Tiger Iron, Tiger Eye, Amber, and Obsidian

Continue reading “The Total Lunar Eclipse Energy Mix ~ What Is Actually Going On?”

Mercury Retrograde April 2017 ~ Angry Damsels by Darkstar Astrology

The 2nd Mercury Retrograde 2017 lasts from April 9 to May 3 and travels from 4º Taurus back to 24° Aries. Even though Mercury retrograde starts in the beginning of Taurus, the whole retrograde period has a fiery Aries theme as Mercury will spend half the period in Aries and will ignite heroic themes of courage and rescue. This is because the major star being activated will the ‘damsel in distress’ star Mirach in princess Andromeda’s girdle.

Perseus, rescuer of the princess is an Aries archetype in that he is heroic and brave. In the Greek myth Andromeda’s father agreed to sacrifice his daughter to Poseidon in order to save his kingdom. (What is it with these Neptunian gods always demanding child sacrifice?!) It looks like this Mercury Retrograde will start off extremely challenging with Venus retrograde square Saturn. Saturn is on a poisonous star too. Etamin in the right eye of Draco the Dragon is associated with the scattering of poison. (In modern days this could even be chemical weapons.)

Damsels In Distress

If that wasn’t enough, there is a cardinal T-square with Jupiter retrograde (Religious zealots) square Pluto (Globalists) square a Sun/Eris/Uranus stellium. (Persephone child abduction theme overlaps child sacrifice theme.). Mars is conjunct Ceres (The rape of mother earth and pagan principles.) in a decan hotspot that contains stars Algol (Medusa’s head) and Capulus the slayer.

When this Andromeda Mercury goes retrograde then, we have an opportunity to do in-depth research in this very volatile area that it travels through. Facing the disturbing topics of child sacrifice and abduction is unavoidable. All news and alternative media will become super-dramatic, and the themes mentioned in this post should play out, whether they are truthful or not! Mercury is one of three visible planets that are retrograde at this time which makes it even more challenging. (At least until Venus turns direct on April 15.).

Mercury Retrograde April Dates & Times

March 27 ~ Mercury Pre-Shadow Period starts at 24° Aries.
April 9 ~ Mercury Retrograde at 4° Taurus.(11.14 pm UT.)
May 3 ~ Mercury Direct at 24° Aries. (4.22 pm UT.)
May 19 ~ Post-Shadow ends at 4° Taurus

April 9 to 19 ~ Mercury Retrograde 2017 In Taurus Decan 1

RAGING BULLS. In the personal realm, those touched by this retrograde will either talk until the cows come home or be very reticent. Much depends on how confident they are feeling. The shy ones might become surprisingly chatty after a few glasses of wine. Words could get them into trouble.. a lot. Mercury in this decan create terrible gossip, and bring out tactless behavior. There are rousing speeches however, but a need to temper getting carried away. Overconfidence leads to moving towards Taurus decan 1’s dictatorship potentials. It will be hard to contain political rants and protests. Having said all that, Mercury is very powerful here in terms of its dignity as it rules this decan in the Chaldean system. This position, even retrograde, can assist merchants, orators, singers and writers. Use this time to prepare for an important business meeting, interview or public performance.

Apr 19/20 ~ Sun conjunct Mercury at 0º Taurus on Mirach

Mercury Retrograde 2017Midway through the Mercury retrograde 2017 cycle opens a window of wonderfulness where we can stand in the eye of the hurricane but miraculously come out in one piece. This way you can avoid the vacillation generally of Mirach but also gain its more positive attributes mentioned below. You can make use of the special Sun exact conjunct Mercury moment (Cazimi in traditional astrology). Either send a romantic message that really hits the mark or pitch an artistic idea. Try as close to these times as you can. Apr 19: 11.03pm PDT. Apr 20: 2.00am EDT, 7.03am UT, 8.03am CEST, 4.03pm AEST. (Sorry I know they are quite impractical for those in the US, Cazimi lasts about 3 hours either side of the hour.)

Mirach 0º with Mercury “Vacillating, unstable, peculiar events, many travels and changes.” 

Mirach is found in the girdle of Andromeda. Despite the ‘peculiar events’ driven by Mercury on this star, it is generally extremely fortunate “portending renown and good luck in matrimony.” [1] The myth has Princess Andromeda chained to a rock as a sacrifice to Cepheus the sea monster. All to appease an offended Neptune! It all ends well however, as Andromeda was rescued by brave Perseus whom she married. Robson echoes the myth saying Mirach “gives personal beauty, a brilliant mind, a love of home, great devotion, beneficence, forgiveness, love, overcoming by kindness, renown, and good fortune in marriage.” The Ebertins emphasize a creative side saying Mirach endows “Many interests, tendency to inspiration and medium-ship as a base for artistic creations, altruism, cheerfulness, happiness, love of company. These people have a stimulating effect on others, they make friends easily and are helped on in life by others.” [2]

April 21 to May 3 ~ Mercury In Aries Decan 3

BOUNTY HUNTERS: Small words make big impressions during this time! Those touched by this part of the retrograde journey are aided in oratory and giving a persuasive sales pitch. The mind will be brilliant too in a way that weaves many different ideas into one cohesive ideology. Mercury has no dignity here so the gift during this time is its power of persuasion, rather than innate genius. However those with genuine talent will have the ability to transmit their message with great emotional punch. This almost guarantees that their ideology or products will reach a large audience. Mercury Aries 3 can be as seductive as it is highly critical. At its most negative it can inflict emotional abuse on others in the form of mental cruelty. Verbal attacks can feel like one is being machine-gunned with words. On the positive side Mercury here can use words to heal and uplift also. You can use this period to sweet-talk lovers with the most heartwarming poetry. Words are a big turn on!

May 3 ~ Mercury Direct

Mercury direct is a far more positive chart! The Yod to Jupiter is interesting in that it could be used for positive, spiritual transformation. The Sun/Neptune midpoint between an earthy Taurus the moisture of Pisces could bring some healing… mud. Mercury itself joins hands with rebellious, independent Uranus to bring, freedom of speech? With ever increasing censorship on alternative media we can only hope.

There is a nice balance from Saturn by trine to this Mercury direct. What was Saturn’s Draco poison in the Mercury Retrograde chart could be made into anti-venom perhaps? During this Aries/Taurus Mercury Retrograde we learn how transmute offensive words and turn their energy around for defense, much like in martial arts.

Source: Mercury Retrograde April 2017 ~ Angry Damsels by Darkstar Astrology