Top Gemstone Elixirs – The Best Crystals to use and how!

Good Witches Homestead

Don’t waste $100s of dollars on fancy bottles of crystal elixir when making them at home could not be easier. See our guide to the best gemstone tonics now.

Source: Top Gemstone Elixirs – The Best Crystals to use and how!

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Creating Sacred Space

How’s the energy in your space

I’ve been thinking a lot about our spaces lately – in many ways they’ve become more important to us than ever, and a place where many of us are now spending most of our time (or not enough).

The space we live in is an energetic extension of ourselves. What affects us will affect the energy of our space (and vice versa).

In a time when we’ve seen a dramatic increase in fear, stress, uncertainty, and an outpouring of negativity, the more we can hold ourselves + our spaces sacred, the more we all benefit.

While we may all know the importance of clearing the energy of our space, it bears reminding, especially given that some may be feeling too overwhelmed or tired to prioritize it (it’s been my experience that this is when we most need to do it).

Continue reading “Creating Sacred Space”


What Does it Mean When a Crystal is Lost or Broken? /

I’m often asked if there’s a meaning behind losing or breaking a crystal.

Recently on a group call for my Pro Crystal Healer course, a student shared that she had lost the same crystal three times, and was wondering if there was any deeper meaning behind it.

It’s definitely possible!

I remember doing a crystal healing layout on myself years ago where I placed a piece of moldavite on my 3rd eye chakra. As I turned over to shut off the alarm at the end of my session, the moldavite fell off. First I searched on the bed beside me, then under the pillow. Nothing. I stripped the bed. Nothing. I pulled the bed away from the wall and checked underneath, including behind the sideboards. Nothing.

We moved a year later, and before we left the empty apartment, I searched for it one more time. Nothing.

True story!

I also remember the time when I first started working at a busy spiritual bookshop in NYC. I was wearing a lot of jet (a protective crystal for empaths), and I hadn’t learned how to shield my energy yet. Pieces of it would keep falling off me throughout the day, either cracking or breaking as they hit the floor, and I had a pretty good feeling as to why…

There can be many possible reasons or meanings behind lost or broken crystals. Sometimes it’s just an unfortunate circumstance – things get lost, accidents happen. But the Universe can work in mysterious ways, and messages or miracles can be hidden behind the circumstances…

Here’s a few possible interpretations, honor your own intuition or what resonates for you in a heart-based way (as opposed to fear-based):

Read original article at: Krista Mitchell ~ What Does It Mean When You Break Or Lose A Crystal

October Newsletter – Seasons Change but some things never do

Good Witches Homestead

A look at how the rain helped create the October birthstone, a new discovery of blue diamonds, a gems fair announcement, and two great customer questions this month.

Source: October Newsletter – Seasons Change but some things never do

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Crystal Healing for Pandemic Fatigue /

First off: what is pandemic fatigue?

“It’s a very real feeling of exhaustion stemming from the effects of the novel coronavirus on your life — from stay-at-home orders to the fear of getting ill to losing jobs…Wrestling with intense emotions day after day drains your energy, causing pandemic fatigue.
The hallmark sign of pandemic fatigue is a sense of inner weariness.” –  uclahealth • July 7, 2020

If you’ve been feeling any of the following, or if it’s been more intense these past few months, you’re likely experiencing pandemic fatigue:

  • uncertainty
  • despair
  • chronic high-level stress
  • burnout
  • sore eyeballs
  • loneliness
  • exhaustion
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • sleeplessness
  • hopelessness

It is not an exaggeration to say that 2020 has been a life-altering, world-changing year.

While understandably there has been heavy emphasis on physical health and safety measures, there must also be heavy emphasis on the mental + emotional toll of the pandemic (including our economic and social responses to it), and the impact that is having on our overall mental health and emotional well-being.

“As the pandemic worsens, and disruptions to daily life worsen, mental health professionals need to be prepared for an increase in mental health and substance abuse problems.” – Research brief from the Parenting in Context Research Lab, U Michigan, March 31, 2020

The shutdowns taught us that the reality of our daily lives could dramatically change, and quickly. This paradigm shift intensified the focus on the climate change crisis, and also a badly needed wake-up call in terms of racism and the systemic racism entrenched in our societies.

The conversation became about education, awareness, expansion of consciousness, and mindfully co-creating a better world and future.

But here’s the thing my friends: it’s easy to give up and stop caring, or stop fighting, when you’re tired.

The stressors introduced, or heightened, by this pandemic have hit people hard, especially for those on the lower-end of the social and economic scale:

  • fears of getting sick, job/income loss, of not being able to pay bills
  • greater levels of overall uncertainty
  • increased responsibilities of caregiving, child care, and education, which has required extra multi-tasking to the point of overwhelm
  • loneliness and isolation, especially for the marginalized and elderly
  • disruption of regular routines including diet, exercise, and sleep

The concern is that all of this will push us collectively to a mental health breaking point – but it doesn’t have to, we can find healthy ways to respond that will help pull us, our families, and our communities through, better and stronger!

Response is a key word here: response belies a feeling of consideration, wisdom, and empowerment. It’s a choice, as opposed to reactions that are often triggered by our wounded or fearful selves.

Our reaction to any of the above stressors or symptoms of pandemic fatigue may be to isolate, self-medicate, binge, overeat, attack, go into denial, feel extra sensitive or vulnerable, or criticize.

Please don’t judge yourself if you have experienced any of these reactions recently – at least now you may have a greater understanding as to why, and I have outlined below some healthier coping practices you can put in place to support yourself.

Read original article at: Krista Mitchell ~ Crystal Healing for the Pandemic


Becoming Your Dream: A Leo Moon Crystal Ritual /

Blessed new moon 🌚

This is an interesting one, because astrologically-speaking, this new moon went into Cancer a second time before going void of course and changing into Leo at 4:16pm ET today (where it will remain there until it goes void of course tomorrow at 8:27pm ET).

I got to the game late, only attuning to the moon through the crystal consciousness at about 4:50pm, so while everyone else is posting about the Cancer new moon, here I am writing about the Leo moon!

I’ve decided to go with it, because honestly, I think many of us (myself included) could do with a little Leo moon juice + some joyfully mad-passionate crystals right now…


When I tuned in to this new moon energy through the crystal consciousness, this question came through to me:

“What if you could be the biggest, boldest version of yourself?

This world is demanding the best of us – what does that mean to you?

The radiance of Leo is the enlightened leader. The creator. The warrior. The golden-crowned heart.

What does that inspire inside you?

What dreams or visions does that stir?”

Here’s something I have learned from my experience: Anything you can envision or desire, that feels in alignment with your heart and spirit, already exists as a spark in your soul.

This means that the energetic alignment, the blueprint that can manifest, co-create, or attract it into being only needs your energy to fuel it.Your energy is your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions, all focused in the direction of your vision.

What can halt us is believing in lack: not enough courage, or resources, or inspiration, or worth to see it through.

Here are the crystals, all very Leonine in nature, that are speaking up for you right now in favor of your dream:

Read original article at: Krista Mitchell ~ Becoming Your Dream: A Leo Moon Crystal Ritual


Ascending Soul: Crystal Talisman Magic for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn /

We have yet another full moon lunar eclipse, this one in Capricorn, happening at 12:44am Sunday July 5th.

The download I received continues to guide us through the healing cycle and archetypal patterns initiated by the recent new moon solar eclipse.

I opened to channel and this is what first came through:

“Cycles and patterns, cycles and patterns.

The world goes round and round.

Moon in an earth sign, sun in a water sign,

The earth eclipses the water.

From fire and water, to earth and water,

Building, creating steady ground.

This is the earth forming anew under our feet.”

The moon will be in Capricorn, an earth sign ruled by the planet Saturn, relating to building and structure and toil and triumph. Saturn is the structurer, Father Time, the sacred masculine.

The sun is in Cancer, a water sign ruled by the moon, relating to the home, family nurturing, the emotions, intuition, imagination, and the sacred feminine.

Capricorn builds the world. Cancer builds a world of its own, within.

The sacred feminine is the energy, the flow.

The sacred masculine forms the metaphysical structure or vessel.

It is a time of creating.

This will be a very magical eclipse, one that can initiate us into a new way of being – individually, and collectively.

Don’t miss out if this calls to you and speaks to your soul, because it means your time of becoming is now.

Read original article at: Krista Mitchell ~ Ascending Soul; Crystal Talisman Magic for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn


Crystal Ritual for the Sagittarius Full Moon Solar Eclipse with Blue Kyanite: Deep Listening, Inner Activation, Truth, Understanding /

Many people might expect awakening and evolution to be light-filled, radiant, even peaceful, but awakening is an act of creation and becoming, and the creative forces of this world are often also required to be those of destruction, unravelling, dismantling, or un-making (ie: fire, ice, death, water, the shedding of skins) in order to create.

Growth, healing, and change are often painful or creative/destructive/creative processes because they force us to let go of things: how (and with what) we identify, our beliefs, comfort zones, old wounds that have become companions, our gremlins, parts of our past, dreams of the future.

(Important note: I am talking about creative forces of destruction in nature and in the nature of healing, NOT destruction purely for the sake of causing pain, harm, or chaos. The former is in service to the cycle of life and the healing process, the latter I see in service to the dark spirits of this world).

These processes bring challenges because they trigger what needs to be seen, heard, faced, accepted, healed, resolved, and reintegrated.

In essence, we cannot evolve without facing our inner shadows. There is no awakening, growth, or positive change without facing the shadow.

It’s never easy or comfortable, or pretty. It’s badass territory, where angels fear to tread. And this is why so many people choose not to go there, choose complacency, apathy, even silence.

I had a teacher once who said “Tyranny reigns over silence.” The power of that statement has never left me. And I had another one who said “Sometimes you have to go to war.” That one’s never left me, either.

There’s great turmoil in the world right now – uprising, revolution, demands for justice, and they’re happening because this is part of the evolution. We can’t be awake while still being asleep to what’s happening around us, to social injustice, to systemic racism.

We also can’t be awake if we’re asleep to our own shadow selves.

I’ve been in deep listening this week, and I’ve also been unpacking and sorting through unconscious bias and conditioning in my own shadow. As a healer, and human, my inner work and outer work never ends. There’s always another layer of the onion, there’s always another shadow aspect to work through. And conditioning can run deep – through generations and lifetimes of ancestral and spiritual DNA, as well as what we’ve experienced in our own time.

This full moon solar eclipse in Sagittarius (exact on 6/5/20 at 3:12pm ET), while the sun remains in Gemini, is an opportunity for us to look within, to learn, to grow, and to face our inner duality.

Healing happens in the space between light and dark. Expansion of consciousness happens in the embrace of light and dark.

It’s important to sit with that for a bit.

Read original article at: Krista Mitchell ~ Crystal Healing Ritual for the Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse


It’s ok to not feel ok right now. Or to have good days and bad.

You don’t need to have this handled. To be a grounded god/dess. To be riding the wave of this energy like a MF.

Healers, especially, can put themselves under a lot of pressure to be self-sufficient. To show up for others, first. To be the light.

I know my tribe ❤️. And I know that most of you in this community are healers in one way, or another.

I’ve had days where I’ve broken down or lost my sh**. And I’ve had to go through it, to honor the feelings. I’ve also needed that blessed release.

But maybe you’re in a situation where you can’t do that, or maybe not right now. Or you really do have to show up for others first, and be the light.

It’s still ok to not be ok.

We all need healing in so many ways, and there will be time for that, but here are some core crystals that can support you right now.

Note the word SUPPORT. This isn’t about making the feelings go away. The feelings are not wrong or accidental. And you are not bad or weak for feeling them, or for having trouble coping.

For those of you who don’t have the time (or headspace) to read a long blog post, I’ve got them listed in a short summary right here:

Crystals for When You're Not OK / rose quartz /

Rose quartz: for soothing and to receive love. Hold it in your receptive hand or wear it over your heart chakra.

Read the original article at: Krista Mitchell ~ Crystals For When You’re not OK


Crystal Healing Tips for Moments of Panic, Fear, Anxiety /

Hello loves!

I hope, as you read this, that you are all safe and well.

Everything hit me like a wave at the end of last week. I felt devastated, afraid, heartbroken, uncertain. Cried my eyes out. Couldn’t work for couple of days. Just went into extreme self-care mode.

I let the feelings wash through me. I allowed myself to grieve. Then I turned to my crystals, my faith, family, and spiritual practice for support.

I’m sharing this because we ALL need love and support right now. We also all need to honor how we’re feeling.

I had one of those 3am moments of what I call “electric fear”. I woke up with that fear energy coursing through my body. I put my hands on my solar plexus to try and calm myself, and then I heard my guidance say:

“It’s ok to feel the fear. It’s ok to feel what you’re feeling. But remember that you can CHOOSE how to respond.”

In that moment, I felt love and courage flow through me.

The key is to not seek to suppress what we’re feeling. We’re feeling our feelings for a reason

It’s how we respond that will help determine how we all pull through this.

I’ve put together some simple crystal suggestions plus crystal healing tips to help provide some of that support you may be needing.

Read original article at: Krista Mitchell ~ Crystal Healing Tips For Moments of Pain, Fear and Anxiety