Cleansing Your Aura with Crystals

by Kat Michaels


Have you ever tried cleansing your aura after a rough day? An aura cleanse is a great way to remove harmful energy using crystals.

For an aura cleanse, start with your favorite cleansed piece of seleniteblack obsidianclear quartzsmoky quartz, or labradorite. It’s best to use a carved massage wand or a natural wand with a single or double termination, but any shape will work.

After choosing your stone, trace it through your aura about 4-6 inches away from your body, using your intuition to guide you. If you’re using a carved massage wand or a natural wand with a single termination, make sure that the blunt end is facing toward your body and that the termination is facing outward. That will ensure that the energy you remove will exit the wand through the termination instead of getting stuck in your auric field. Trace the front and back of yourself as well as your sides, under your arms, and between your legs, as energy can get stuck in any area of your aura. Energy is particularly likely to be stuck in areas where you have pain or have previously been injured, so pay extra attention to those spots.

Once you’re done cleansing your aura, make sure to cleanse your stone well again so that the harmful energy doesn’t affect the stone’s healing properties. To keep your aura in tip-top shape, try to do this three to four times a week.

If you liked this article, visit Kat Michael’s website.


Ecoregional Druidry: Adapting and Localizing Symbolism

Elemental Wheel with Traditional Animal Symbols

The Druid's Garden

To follow up from two posts a month or so ago on ecoregional druidry and the wheel of the year  and celebrating rituals, observances, and activities, I want to continue thinking about how druids can adapt basic practices of druidry to their local ecosystems.  This is particularly important for those of us in diverse ecosystems around the world: part of nature spirituality is being with nature as she is in your region. Thus far in this series, we’ve explored a druid’s wheel of the year that is seasonally-focused on a local ecosystem as well as the different ways we might celebrate this wheel of the year with rituals, observances, and activities.  Also tied to these spiritual practices are symbolism associated with the elements and directions; framing symbolism that weaves its way into our practices in a variety of different contexts. And so, in this post, we’ll delve into thinking…

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Fabulous Fake Facts About American’s Wild Horses and Burros

Straight from the Horse's Heart

By Charlotte Roe

“PLEASE call your Senator and share this Misinformation with them before they vote on the Appropriation Bill.  Let them know that you will NOT tolerate the murder of federally protected wild horses and burros.  AND if money is the issue, why in the hell are horses being rounded-up as I type.  It is pure insanity.!” ~ R.T.

3 HMAs destroyed, wild horses gone forever ~ photo of Antelope Complex taken by Terry Fitch of Wild Horse Freedom Federation

FAKE: Wild horses and burro populations are exploding on the range.

The BLM’s claims that free-roaming equine populations double every four years is not backed by evidence (even their own version of such). Real world population rates are context-specific. They vary widely depending on management techniques, climate, forage, water resources and predation. The BLM’s population estimates are notoriously sketchy, often contradictory, and in many cases biologically impossible. It…

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